Chapter 3

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Whlie Madi and Lexa we're driving they talked about Aria some more then about Madi's school and then they just sang to the music in the car for the rest of the drive when they finally got to New Orleans Madi said "god I feel like that took forever" "Madi that was only a 45 minute drive" "I know but it felt like longer" they walked around explored a bit. Booked a hotel room and went to the French quarter to look for aria

Once they found her house Madi texted Aria on instagram because they didn't think it would be a good idea to just walked into the house especially because she was with the Mikaelsons

< aria.mikaelson

Hey aria I have a quick question

What? Wait? Madi why are you
texting me ?

Like I said I have a quick question

Ok and what might that be?

Wellll where do you live in the
French quarter?

Omg what why?

Well I yk the carnival where I
kinda ran off i went back to my
House and asked my mom about
Those dreams you said you were

What did she say?

I'm not sure she would tell me
But she kinda make me tell her
That you live in the French quarter
And now we're kinda here

What?!?!? how did you even know
I lived in New Orleans?????

We'll long story short I found out you
were adopted by the mikaelsons so
I just assumed you lived in the French
Quarter or in mystic falls

What omg madi I've meet you once
And your literary stocking me wtf

I'm sry but we're kinda outside your
House rn


Yep can you let us in

Wait us?

Ya me and my mom

Wait why does your mom wait in
My house???

Because she wants to meet you and
Tell you about the dreams i already
Told you this

Wait how would your mom know
About the dreams unless NO SHE IS NOT

what why?

Why wdym why were taking about
Lexa woods right?

Ya so?

She left me I was in the foster
Care System for 8 years do you
Know what it's like to be in foster
Care most of your child hood
Cause let me tell you it's not fun
I had been in at least 15 different foster 
homes and most of them were with awful
people so if you want to come in fine but she's

Ok but I really think you
should  Let her talk to you she's
kind sweet


Oh come on just let
Her tell you about the dreams
So we can go back to our hotel

*Aria started to get really stressed  that the women you just left her and made her suffer though all those year was out side her house*


*seconds after she sent that text she got really angry and even more stressed and her powers went out of control as a big white burst of light came from the up stairs part of the house*

Then Madi and lexa ran inside to the room where the came from when they got there they saw aria kneeling on the ground with in hands in front of her face she was upset that she let her powers get out of control then when Madi saw Aria upset she ran over to try and comfort her and a few seconds later after lexa was done standing there in the shock of how her daughter was in the same room as her

Hope and Josie came in around a minute later to check on aria to see if she was ok then they saw 2 Ramdom girls they didn't know hugging there daughter and got worry so Josie started syphoning magic from the wall while Hope tapped on the shoulders "uh who are you 2" Hope said then the 2 brunettes stopped hugging aria and turned around in shock

"Oh hi my name is Madi and this is my mom lexa" madi said as aria turned around getting angry again that she heard madi say lexa was in her house

"Moms" aria said in a worried voice as hope and Josie ran over to her "I think it's best if you come back a different time Aria's having a rough day today" Josie said trying to calm Aria down "it's ok I'm fine madi can" Aria said taking deep breath's "and the other one?" Hope said "I'm sry but could you leave for now?" Aria said to lexa "uh I don't know I wasn't there for you for the other 16 year of your life I want to try and be there for you again" lexa said

Aria didn't take the no very well she started hyperventilating trying not to lose control again then "mom look at her she's not doing well can you just leave for like 20 minutes until she in a better mood?"  Madi asked scared and worried about Aria

"No I don't want to leave" lexa said

Aria couldn't hold back anymore her eyes turned bright white and she started lifting from the ground and that was hope and Josie cue to kick her out

"I'm sorry you seem nice but we're going to have to make you leave for your own safety" Hope said as her she did a spell to knock lexa out for about 5 minutes making Madi also worried about lexa "what did you do to her" Madi asked "I just did a simple spell she'll wake up in about 5 minutes" Hope replied as she took her and put her outside as Josie did a spell to lock all the doors.

As Madi stayed up stairs with Aria

After Aria had calmed down Madi had some questions that Aria answered

"What just happened" Madi asked "well first can I ask how much you know about me?"

"Ya of course well I know that your my half sister and you were adopted I also know your birth parents/birth name and that's pretty much it" Madi said

"Oh ok you knew a lot less then I thought you did well what just happened was me when I get mad of worried of a mix of both I really hope it stops soon but for now that's what I have to deal with"

"I'm so sorry that much really suck" madi said in a sad tone

"Anything else you want to know?" Aria asked

"Well only every thing" madi said laughing a little

"Well that could take a while I live a very dramatic life" Aria said also laughing a bit


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