Chapter 4

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"Ok so my childhood was pretty awful I was in foster care for 8 years before I was adopted as I told you and from what I can remember is being in good foster homes when I was little little but then I would mess all them up and I would scare the parents so many times nobody wanted me anymore and I only got out with the bad abuse of parents that took in the "troubled" kids and it was awful until I got put with hope and Josie and everything I did that made me "troubled" and would scare the parents and they embraced and then they showed me there powers and said that "just because your special doesn't mean your troubled or less then anyone else" and that I deserved to have a good child hood and I should be loved just as much as any other kid then they thought me how to control my powers until one day when "it" happened"

"I'm so sorry Aria I didn't realize if you don't want to keep taking you don't have too" Madi said

"No it's fine I can keep taking if you want to know more" Aria said

"Are you sure?" Madi asked

"Yes it's fine" Aria said as she continued

"Before I keep going I feel like I should tell you what my powers are I'm a Kryptonian because of my other birth mother Kara so that means I can fly/I have super speed and freeze breath I also can shoot lasers
Out of my eyes and I'm a night blood, dark blood, black blood I've never been sure what to call it"

"It's night blood" Madi interrupted

"Oh ok Thxs" Aria said

"Your welcome sorry for interrupting" Madi said

"Well then I'm a night blood because of my other birth mother aka your mother then there's the powers I got after "it" happened which was mind control, telekinesis, reading peoples minds, and just magic"

"Oh shit your powerful remind me not to mess with you" Madi said

"I can try" Aria said laughing

"That's why my moms moved yours because I still haven't got full control of my new powers yet so when I get like I was it's best to stay away because I hurt people I don't mean too once when me and my best friend broke out of the place "it" happened. Then something happened that got me mad I don't remember what but I ended up accidentally killing someone" aria said worried

"And now my least favourite thing that had ever happened to me "the accident" or what I was being calling "it"

"Aria you don't have too"

"Yes I do"

"When I was around 12 me and my moms we're at some festival and it was a really hot day so I got ice cream but it was melting to quickly so I made sure not one could see and I used my freeze breath so it would stop melting and someone man saw me do it and then follow us home and kidnapped me while I was sleeping then I spent the next 3 years in a place called hydra and they would experiment on people then abuse and torture you if you didn't listen the only reason I didn't die or just end it myself is because of my best friend wanda maximoff me, her and her brother we're the only 3 people the experiments ever worked on Wanda's brother Pietro got super speed, and me and Wanda got the same powers but her's are red and mine are white" Aria said just nearly crying

"Aria I'm so sorry you've been thought so much I can't even imagine and I just wanted you
To know if you wanted to talk about anything and everything at anytime I'll be there ok?"

"Thanks Madi that means a lot"

"It's no problem" Madi said hugging Aria

"Madi?" Aria said wiping her tears

"Ya" Madi said

"I'm really to meet/talk to your mom if that's ok with you" Aria said a little nervously

"Ya of course I don't think she's still outside so I can take you to our hotel room if you want?" Madi said

"Ok let me ask my moms" Aria said

"Hi" Aria as she walked downstairs where hope and Josie we're watching tv

"Hi" they both said confused

"What's up?" Hope asked

"Me and Madi were wondering if we could go to her hotel room?"

"Aria I'm not sure that's the best idea Madi's mom will most likely be there and it's only been around 2 and a half hours since the last time" Josie said

"Please it won't happen again and Madi will be there" Aria said

"But Madi-" Hope said but was interrupted by Aria

"I already know what your going to say and I already told Madi everything" Aria said

"Everything?" Hope said questioning Aria

"Everything" Aria said reassuring hope

"Can we talk to her?" Josie said

"Sure" Aria said as she flu up back to her room

"ARIA?!?" Josie and Hope said in unison yelling at aria for flying with guests here

"Calm down like I said she knows everything" Aria said in a bossy sarcastic tone

"Aria TONE!" Hope said in a warring tone

"Sorry" Aria replied as she walked back into her room

"Hey so my moms said they want to talk to you is that ok?" Aria asked Madi

"Ya ya that's fine" Madi replied

"Hey do you wanta do something fun" Aria said with a big smile on her face

"Oh god what is it should I be scared" Madi said laughing

"Maybe I guess you'll have to find out" Aria said as her smile got bigger

"Ok I guess" Madi said I bit nervous

"YAY" Aria replied

*Aria grabbed Madi and they flu down the stairs*

"That's was amazing" Madi said

*hope and Josie both looked at Aria with "the look"*

"Ok I'm sorry" Aria said

"You guys wanted to talk to me" Madi said

"Yes we did we just wanted to make sure Aria would be safe and your mom would be safe for that matter if she went to your hotel room" Josie said

"Oh ya of sure I will make to keep everyone safe don't worry" Madi said

"Ok I guess you can go then Aria but if something happens Madi call us and you and your mom leave the room" Hope said

"Ok!" Both the girls in unison as they left

"Aria NO POWERS OUTSIDE! I mean it you know I can always her you" Hope yelled so that they could hear her

"Ok fine" aria said rolling her eyes

"Madi make sure she doesn't" Josie yelled

"Ok" Madi said

*then Aria and Madi walked to her hotel*


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