Chapter 10

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"Ya wait you said she wasn't usually like this do you know her?" tris said "oh ya I forgot to tell you that I guess" I replied "how do you know her?" "It's a long story but the short version is that she's my sister well half sister" Madi said slowly getting less shocked "WAIT Aria Mikaelson is your sister!" "Yup"

Tris just stood there in shock for a few seconds before they walked into class and sat next to each other she kept whispering questions like "how is she your sister you have completely different last names" "which I replied "we have one of the same birth "mothers" "like you have 2 mothers?" "yes omg lol can you stop? It's my first day I'm trying to catch up"  "I know I know you can borrow my notes sorry" tris replied.

When the class ended and I was walking to my locker talking to tris again Aria just came up to me out of the blue and started pulling me away "woahh" I said surprised that she was talking to me once today or pulling me away from the only people I've talked to today.

"WTF Aria you ignore me all day then start pulling me away from the only person nice enough to talk to me because the one person I actually know that this school won't talk to me" I said mad and in a frustrated tone 

"Look I'm sorry ok" Aria replied

"Where are you taking me anyway?" I asked confused

Aria takes me in the a empty class room then sighs and her eyes hands turn white as she sighs but become normal after

"Once again Aria wtf someone could have saw you" I said

"Madi I don't know what's going on I can't control it anymore and I'm scared" Aria said and she did actually sound scared

"Ok ok let's just go home and ask your mom's ok" I said starting to get worried about aria

"No I can't leave it's the middle of the school day I can make it though I think" Aria said

"What's your next class" I asked

"Math" She said

"Perfect me too"

We walked to math class to see tris already siting in there so I sat beside her and Aria sat across from us about half way though the class Aria looked super stressed and she was holding her head hitting it every once in a while I got worried so I asked.

"Aria what's wrong?".

"Voices the voices are so loud and I can't make them go away" Aria said almost crying.

"Ya ok let's go we need to go home right now?" I said.

"I gotta go see you tomorrow" I whispered to Tris as me and and Aria walked.

We got home and Aria was not doing well so we went down stairs to Aria's "scream" room or rage room I forget what she calls it and I told her to scream ask loud as she could and just like all the rage and power out. She did.

"Omg Madi that's exactly what I needed thank you so much" Aria said

"No problem" I replied

A few days go by and me and Tris become closer friends and Aria stop's ignoring me which is nice at the end of the day we're told the hole school has been invited to National city from Monday-Friday next week the whole school is obviously excited about it tomorrow they get to find out who there roommate is

"Moms moms guess what we're going on a trip next week for school from Monday to Friday can I go?" I asked

"Sure where are you going?" Clarke replied

"National city" I said

"Wait WHAT! is aria going?!?!" Lexa asked scared and shocked at the same time

"ya I think so why the whole school was invited why?" I asked

"But right back" lexa said almost running to Aria's house going though the door she goes to find Hope and Josie and I'm right behind her because I wanted to know what was going on

"Hope and Josie can I please talk to you privately?" Lexa said then Josie reply's with "ya sure of course what would you like to talk about" "the girls field trip"

Josie: oh
Lexa: I don't think it would be a good idea Aria come on it
Hope: why
Lexa: because Madi said it's in national city
Hope: so
Lexa: that's where my ex lives or lived like Aria's other birth mother
Hope: oh well they might not meet
Lexa: your right it is a big city but if there for a week there most likey going to a news company called CatCo and Kara's one of there top reports and cat grants assistant so she will her at least once plus the girl is supergirl and she is everywhere in that city I'm just worried they tend to lock up aliens in a place called the D.E.O and If she meets kara the way she met me things won't be good I'm just worried
Josie: ok thanks for telling us we were going to say yes but now we're think a bit more before deciding
Hope: yup thanks for telling us
Lexa: it's no problem I just thought you should know

Turns out Aria was listening to everything and when she was starting to get stressed again I helped come her down.

It was the next day and we got to find out which rooms we we're and who we were with tris was in a room with some guy named four. I'm not sure why but she seemed happy about it then they put me Wanda and Aria together which was awesome but at the end they forget to put Chase in a room so he joined our room because everyone knows there dating and they didn't get enough room for chase to have his own bed so they're making him and Aria sleep together which they don't seem to mad about.

They Aria was packing the Aria way by having Chase come over to help her and using her magic to move her dresser downstairs this how they'd pack Aria would go into the room change and come back out then Chase would say yes or no and I did the same with him after they were done the posted some videos on instagram


Liked by madi.woods and 167 others
Chase night packing with my beautiful gf 
view all 20 comments
Aria.Mikaelson packing with my handsome bf ❤️🥰😘
Madi.woods you guys are so cute together
Aria.Mikaelson @madi.woods Thxs sis 🤍
Madi.woods @aria.mikaelson anytime 🤍

Once they were done packing I went over to Aria,s house and chase had already left the school said we had 2 free days on the week and on those days we could do what ever we want so we talked about what we should do and just as we we're talking about it Hope and Josie called her downstairs

Hope: "Aria we don't think you should go on the field trip"
Aria: "WHAT! why I've already made plans with Madi on what to do in our free days and I already packed!"
Josie: "we're so sorry we just can't let you go"
Aria: "why because lexa said that's where Kara lives and your scared I'll meet her and have the same reaction as I did when I met lexa cause I won't it's already going better then last time I know i'm going and not freaking out about it I freaked out when I knew lexa was just in New Orleans I'm going!"
Josie: "what how-"
Aria:"how did I know I was listening"
Hope: "ARIA! You know your not allowed to do that"
Aria: I'm sorry but I'm going I'll call and text everyday I'll follow the rules
Hope: "fine" Hope rolled her eyes
Josie: "fine under two conditions 1 no powers what so ever 2 you let Hope and I put a spell on your bracelet making it impossible to take off until you come home and we reverse the spell."
Aria: "ok!"

Then Aria come back up stairs and went into her night stand to grab the bracelet then ran back down stairs then Hope and Josie did the spell and made aria use her powers and try everything she could to take it off but it didn't work "ok great now go to bed you have a big day tomorrow" Hope said

Did I just post a 1 second YouTube video just for this story yes yes I did

And btw I'm so sorry I wrote half of this at 3 am when I was half asleep

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