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Hi! Firstly, thank you so much for choosing to read this book! This book will have visuals drawn by me, but since my tablet is broken I will be drawing on paper until I get a new one! I will be updating this at least once a week if not maybe even twice depending on my time.

I'm going into high school this year so ill be stuck with school work and of course sports. But ill still try my hardest to update this book every Saturday or Sunday. All movies and ovas will be included in this story as well.

The reason I choose to make this book was that I wanted something with devils and fire. and I couldn't find that, even if I did some of the stories I find haven't been updated in months or sometimes a few years. I don't plan on discontinuing or abandoning this book.

Anyways I hope you enjoy the book and like the plots and drawings I made throughout the story! (P.S. There will be a bit of chainsaw man and demon slayer stuff in here too. But no spoilers or anything like that)

This is stuff about y/n (I may have gotten carried away)

Age: 1605 years old

Name:y/n Nishimura

Weight: y/w

Weight: y/w

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Here are scars you also have them on your arms and legs and one scar going down your left eye

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Here are scars you also have them on your arms and legs and one scar going down your left eye

-Since you are a devil, you have horns and a tail and wings

-Height: can change if you want

-Eye color: one white (it doesn't have a puple) and one orange.

-Hair color: orange with red tips it turns fully red when you lose control of your power. (P.S If you go fully out of control you turn into a full-on monster/demon

-Small fun facts: you can make animals and different shapes with your fire as well.

-You can raise your body tempure to over 100,000 degrees lol

-you have the ability to smell someone's blood

-You can also make a heatless rope that can go for as long as needed. (I don't know why but I choose to add it cuz it's anime)

-You can release a demon from your chest if you begin to fully panic or get angry

-You also get very aggressive when someone touches or grabs your tail

-You have the ability to regenerate lost limbs or body parts.(but only if you have enough energy)

-you can produce poison

-considering you've almost never left your home, you don't know much about the human world

Idk I just added that To be special

-Once you lose control it takes a while for you to go back to normal and you can't be touched due to your body temperature being to high.

-Once you lose control it takes a while for you to go back to normal and you can't be touched due to your body temperature being to high

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This is what you turn into.

Your parents came from the underworld after being devil hunters for years. A few years after coming to Japan your mom got pregnant with a little devil aka you. Throughout those years you grew up happy and lived by your parents. Once your turned 500 they began teaching you to use your powers and keep them under control. You began to learn everything about being a devil and they even took you to the under world to show you what it looked like.

Backstory: your parents died when you were 800. Ever since you've been alone. You never really spoke or made friends since they always left when they saw your scars. You were bullied day after day. Teachers didn't do anything about it. The only friend you have was your devil dog pochita and the plushies that you had.


You were sitting in your class looking reading a book at your desk.

All of a sudden it was snatched from your desk. "What's this?" A girl examined the book. "Give it back." You demand to stand from your seat and attempt to reach the notebook. "Why? Your too small to get it anyway." She smirked. "Give it back!" You start raising your voice "oh, what are you gonna do?" A boy came up and asked "give. It. Back!" You accidentally blast fire at the girl accidentally burning her.

"Ahh" she screamed dropping the book. Students started running towards her, some glaring at you as they went. " Kiyo, What happened!?" Her friend ran to her side" y-y/n burned me!" She cried.

You stood there starting to regret your actions as you saw her friend snap her head to you. "You monster!" She yelled pointing at you with a death glare on her face. "How could you hurt such an innocent girl" she yelled "s-s-she t-tried-" you attempt to explain but was cut off by the teacher telling you "y/n, go to the office. Now" she demanded pointing to the door.

Silently you walked out of the door and walked to the principles office, she wasn't glad to see you "Well, miss Nishimura. What brought you here this time?" She says with are arms crossed other her chest. "I accidentally burned a girl" you look frown at your feet. She sighed angrily "what have I told you? I told you to stop using your powers in school, and now a student is hurt because of your stupidity" she stated " I can't do this" she rubbed her temples "you're expelled, get out. I don't want to see you again" she demanded.

You didn't even try to argue. You just walked out, got your stuff, and left. "I hate this fucking world" a tear ran down your face as you walked home.

"I'm sorry mom, dad. I failed" more tears stream down your already red cheeks

All of a sudden a small flash went by you. You noticed it was a hero. A flew past you and into an alleyway.

You ran after them. Once you reached the alleyway the hero went by you saw the villain on the ground with the hero on top of him tying his hands.

From that day on you had one goal close to your heart

Becoming a hero.

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