Chapter 20

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As I was sitting and doing some paperwork in my office I heard my office door bang open and immediately looked up to see a very out of breath Sophia run inside and close the door with force

I quickly walked over to her and grabbed her face in an attempt to catch her attention because she was shaking like crazy and breathing hard and fast

"Soph look at me" I said as I took grabbed her face with both of my hands

She kept breathing hard and shaking without looking at me which worried me even more

"Soph I need you to calm down" I said to her trying to make her listen to me but it was not working at all

I could see her breathing change and become shallow

Sophia put her hand to her chest and started hitting it causing me to take matter into my hands

I carefully hugged her and lowered her to the floor where I guided her to bring her knees up and put her head in between

"Soph take slow deep breaths for me" I said as I stood up and went to the cabinet to grab an inhaler

I know how Soph acts when she has panic attacks and when her asthma hits her

Sophia rarely has asthma attacks because her asthma isn't serious but right now she's having one and I know it

I quickly grab the inhaler and shake it before crouching down in-front of her and lift her head to place the inhaler on her lips

Once she has the inhaler in her mouth I count to three

"On three Soph take a deep breath for me okay?" I say and she nods her head

"1,2,3 deep breath" I say as I push the medicine into her mouth

"That's it love, I'm here just try and calm down for now" I say as I guide her head back in between her knees while rubbing circles on her back

At the same moment Calum walked in and saw what was happening immediately worry taking over his face

He looked at me and mouthed "what happened?"

"I don't know" I said back to him

Calum crouched besides me and started taking her pulse

For a minute we all sat there Sophia trying to control her breathing , Calum checking her pulse and me rubbing circles on her back while checking her breathing

After a while Sophia looked at us and let her head fall back to the wall

"I'm good now" she said in a raspy voice

"How are you feeling?" Calum asked her

"I'm better , my side hurts a bit and I still have some shakes but I'm okay"she said as she closed her eyes and taking a deep breath

Calum put his hand to her side and felt around causing her to wince

He stood up and went to the fridge to get her an ice pack placing it on her side

She took a deep breath opening her eyes and murmuring the word "cold" before relaxing again

"I know but you have some swelling and we don't want it to get worse" I said back and she nodded

"Do you want to tell us what happend and why you ran in here like that?" I asked her calmly

"Someone was following me" she said in a shaky voice

"What do you mean?" Calum asked her

She then proceeded to tell us how she went for lunch with Kate and how someone was acting weird and then how a car was following her all the way to our house and then to the hospital

What the fuck

"You did the right thing coming here" Calum said to her after she was finished

"Did you see his face?" I asked her

"No" she shook her head

"But I'm sure it has something to do with him" she said and me and Calum looked at each other before turning our attention back to Soph

"Everything is okay now , you're safe Soph" I tell her and she nods

"How did you know it was my asthma?" She asked me confused

"Come on Soph, I'm a doctor I know how to tell the difference between a panic attack and an asthma attack" I tell her "also I know how you react when you have an asthma attack , for example you never talk and you only show you're in pain by putting your hand on your chest, also your breath is shallower than when you have panic attacks and you get flushed and pale at the same time" I explain to her

"Okay wow" she said looking at me wide eyed

"I'm very good at my job Soph" I tell her with a smirk

"Oh I know" she says back chuckling

"Come on let's move you to the couch" I say as I grab her arm to help her stand up while Calum grabs her other arm and the ice pack

After that Calum leaves to check on his patients and i help Soph get comfy on the couch 

"Keep the ice on for another 15 minutes" I say to her as I place it back on her ribs watching her tense

"Fine" she says rolling her eyes

"Hey do not give me this attitude" I say playfully at her

"Or what Lukey?"she says back to me teasing me

I give her a smile and I wink before I open my office door

"See you later Soph , get some rest" I say to her and leave the office


That cocky motherfu-

*And I oop👀

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