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~ i might get the book out again soon because i have the memory of a raw hamburger 👨

~ i used the episode for this one so the dialogue is more accurate 💅

~ we got to 500 reads! should i do an about me/face reveal for fun? lmk!

~ hope u enjoy! 

lets goooooo

I ran up to the Baudelaires and we hugged each other. Sunny grabbed onto my leg and I picked her up. She bit my finger as a way to say she was happy to see me and I laughed.

"She really worried about you both, we all were."  Klaus said. 

"Especially with those arsonists running loose in the Mortmain Mountains," Violet agreed. We smiled at them and the five of us sat down at one of the benches in the lobby.

"It won't be easy to find J.S. in a hotel this big. Although, a big hotel can work to our advantage. If Count Olaf turns up, it won't be easy for him to find us." Klaus continued. We were then interrupted by a fake high-pitched voice from over by the elevator.

"Hey, you! Take the luggage to the room and, uh, the Carmelita II up to the roof," the man ordered to one of the workers. He turned to his family and started arguing with the woman.

"Is that..." Quigley started. Violet nodded and waved us over to the piano. The man noticed us and turned in our direction. 

"You! Conciergee, find the manager and tell him to bring a nice bottle of wine to our room. Something red. A sauvignon blank." He pointed directly at me and smirked evilly. 

I sighed. "Yes, sir." He turned back to the woman and cupped his hand in order to prevent us from hearing him. Didn't work.

"The manager's on our side of the schism. Well, one of them is, anyway." 

The woman shrugged his comment off and continued, "Well, I hear this hotel has a spa, which is perfect because I'd like a face peel. Do you get to pick whose face, or you just peel it off whoever's around?"

"I don't think it works like that.." The three of them stepped into the elevator and disappeared from our view. 

"Why didn't he recognize us?" Quigley asked.

"He only saw our uniforms. The villainous hotel guests usually treat staff like they're invisible." I replied. 

"Do you think Olaf is the one posing as J.S.?" Violet whispered.

"I don't know, but it can't be good that he's here. We have to find out what he and Esmé are planning." I answered. Suddenly, one of the managers came up behind us and tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped and he gave me an odd look.

"You're not eavesdropping on our guests, are you?" He asked suspiciously.

"We're doing the job we were instructed to do," Quigley said. I mouthed a thank you, the manager was a bit intimidating.

"Ah, you must be the new concierges. I'm one of the managers."

"Frank or Ernest?" Klaus questioned.

"Exactly. I'm happy you're here, even though one of you is unusually short because we're unusually short-handed. This way, please." He led us to a large wooden desk with a bunch of bells hanging on the wall behind it. 

"The job of the concierge is to give our guests everything they ask for. When they ring, you volunteer." The manager explained. 

"What do those numbers mean? There can't be 999 rooms in this hotel." Violet wondered.

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