Deleted Scenes part 2

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I feel so bad for not updating yesterday, so here's the two due parts! My schedule has become unpredictable of late; I'll try to deliver all the things I promise, but sometimes it's hard to. I hope you can forgive my inconsistency ^^"

Scene 3:

The handsome prince greeted us warmly and welcomed us to Momosu Island. Despite the blistering heat that Su Jung and Maria kept complaining about, Momosu was fairly okay—save it for their outfits when we first arrived. Though I didn't want to insult their traditional costumes like Su Jung did, it came as quite a shock to me when I first stepped in Momosu. Leon was cute, to say the least. I gazed at him, only to be pinned by his cold, assessing stare. I stared back, hoping to convey my message, like how Leon and I used to communicate through stares when we were young.

The big initial idea was to mold our story based on Icons of Elegance. We ditched the idea afterwards when the story underwent major editing before being posted on my account, simply because it wasn't viable to do so. We had to add too many details of that particular book inside, which made the story lose its focus. In the end, it was decided that we wouldn't do the events of Princess Without Limits based on any of the books, it's just going to be there. So...that's it.

Scene 4:

For some obvious reason that I did not want to admit to myself, my heart was beating quicker and quicker as the limo neared the shopping mall. What is wrong with you? Focus on the assignment!! The car stopped at the mall entrance and I alighted with Gina.

We proceeded to take a quick stroll to our meeting point with the other princesses, at Starbucks. Being the princesses that they are, which meant that they were always late, I made myself cozy. Gina pouted at the phone and started typing away furiously. Is she talking to Lena? My instinct thought of that. I inched closer to her, hoping to catch a part of her conversation. "Yes, I'll wait for you, Ciel. See you!" Annoyance crept at me. Of all the princes she could have chosen, she chose the sissy one. Sometimes, I really question my sister's decisions.

Unconsciously, I found myself looking around and thinking about Lena. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. I "focused" my mind on the assignment and wondered when the girls would get here. I could partially feel Leon's impatience from the other side of the room. Dude, you know you're not the only one waiting right?

I think it's obvious why we dumped this part. Gion was way too OOC here, and being totally unprofessional writers, OOC scenes like this were bound to come out. It was tough writing about characters whose personalities have already been built by others - there were constant cases of writing the characters out of character, the mortal flaw of any fanfiction writer. So we made Gion another way: trying to be calm and composed, but still crushing a little, and then falling completely. I guess we interpreted Gion as a bit on the tsundere side, though not that much.

That's it for Part Two, if you're reading this early, Part Three will be out soon <3 see you!

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