Chapter Twenty-one

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Hihi YES I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD <33 thank you for being so patient with me and waiting for a new chapter without all the usual "update pls" comments :)

This chapter was one of the harder chapters to write - I'll say why at the end of this chapter - so I hope it was worth the wait. There's displays of violence in this chapter (you can say I've unleashed my inner demon ♡'・ᴗ・'♡), and even though I tried to keep it in small amounts, it might be triggering for some readers. Enjoy :3

!!TW: violence!!


I woke up to a new day. Rising up and groaning at how the hard floor made my body ache, I studied my surroundings, remembering where I was. "Oh, Lena, you're awake," Neelam's gentle voice rang out. I flashed her a weak smile as I turned around to meet her dark brown - nearly black - eyes. I had hoped yesterday that I'd wake up somewhere better, but it seemed like this had no easy way out.

Gion stirred from a position near me. He had opted to sleep close to Gina last night, and being her bestie meant that the three of us were huddled in the corner. Normally, I would've been a blushing mess, yet this wasn't any normal time. Gion blinked sleepily at me, and I nearly laughed at his messy clump of hair.

Livio was injured yesterday - even now I was still frightened that Anu might approach me next. I was scared-stiff, resorting to seeking comfort in Gion's words. Gods, did he think of me as a pathetic human being for trembling when Anu flashed the knife at me?

"You're awake," he said, his voice raw from sleep. He patted Gina's head beside him. My eyes landed on a plate of food when Gion was trying to tame his wild hair. Strange, it wasn't here just now. Only now was I aware of my empty stomach, and the aching desire to fill it.

A few minutes later, we were all awake and alert, listening to every pounding step behind the door, wondering whether it was Anu. Yet after so many false alarms, the door flung open to finally reveal Anu. Fear gripped me as I contemplated whether to run to the farthest corner of the room.

Anu's emotionless pair of eyes fell on Gion and me. I froze, unable to look away in the second of terror. Anu smirked knowingly. His hand waved towards us both.

"Take these two."

Maybe Gion had lost all resolve to fight or decided it was a lost battle, for he stayed still and let those men drag him away while I was paralysed. I stopped breathing before I took a shuddering breath, avoiding the urge to cough at the lack of oxygen, the burning sensation in my lungs. Gion probably sensed my fear, because the instant we were tossed in an empty room, he grabbed my hand.

His hand was warm despite the cold room we had stayed in all night. Anu entered the room, gave a glance at our intertwined hands, and scoffed. I tightened my grip on Gion's hand, knowing that I was crushing it at this point of time, but I didn't care. I found comfort that he was here with me.

"I told you if you ever lose your goal, and you no longer see it in front of your eyes, I will help you find it again, by hook or by crook," Anu snarled. I cowered a little. Unexpectedly, he grabbed Gion's collar and pulled him up with little to no effort. Suppressing a cry of panic, I could only watch when Gion was flung to the other end of the room.

I heard a sickening crack, perhaps of his ribs. It must've hurt, but he didn't cry out. Instead, his bangs covered his eyes as he continued to look at the ground.

I felt a compelling urge to close my eyes, because I knew Gion most likely didn't want me to see him in such a weak state. Yet I couldn't tear my eyes from the scene. Tears burned my eyes. When did I start caring about him so much? It used to be such an insignificant crush where all I could think about was whether he spared me a glance...

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