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Jada's pov

I look at my chest and see my baby boy sleeping on it soundly. My gown was pulled down a little bit so we could to "skin to skin". He was in a diaper and had a blanket over his back.

The nurses offered to take him to the nursery but me and Timothée said no. Speaking of Timothée, he's not back from getting food. He went to get us McDonalds because it's the only thing that is really open at this time of night.

He was born December 26, 2021. At 2:18 AM. His name, Beau Jean Chalamet. Beau meaning:handsome. And Jean meaning:gracious. All in french.

I was looking at his facial features. His chubby little cheeks. His button nose. His closed puffy eyes. He was perfect. Until his face furrowed. A cry erupted from him. It was loud and it left me confused.

He was perfectly calm just a second ago. Thank god a nurse was coming in to check on me. "Oh, he's crying?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, he was fine just a second ago. I don't know what happened." I responded. He walked over to me.

"Well he might be hungry. Are you planning on breast feeding or formula?" He asked. I never really decided on what i want to do.

"I guess i can do breastfeeding." I mumble. The nurse nodded.

"Okay, if you are uncomfortable i can go get a female nurse. Is that what you want?" He asked. I shook my head. "So if you don't mind i'm gonna have you take one of them out. And uh just get it in his mouth." This is awkward. I do as he says.

"Try to make him feel comfortable. You'll know when he latches on." He reaches his hand to try to make Beau feel comfortable. His lips tightened and i was doing it. "There." The nurse said.

I smiled and looked down at Beau. He fucking that shit up. He was eating like it was his last day on earth. I hear curtains open. "Hm. There's paparazzi outside." The nurse says. Great.

Timothée comes in, he seemed a bit red. Maybe he was embarrassed. He's never really embarrassed with the paparazzi. He puts the food down on the little coffee table. "Hey, sorry it took so long it was really busy tonight. I think it's just people heading to work." He explains. He starts to take the food out of the bag.

He looks at me. "Where's Beau?" He asked walking over to me. He stopped and looked. I look at him.

"What?" I ask teasing him a little bit. He shakes his head. I look down at Beau. "He's so cute." I mumble.

"He is." Timothée replies. He reaches his hand down to Beau's face and his thumb rubs his little cheek. "C-Can i hold him?" He asked. I nodded.

"When he's done you can. I don't know when he will be though." I tell him. Beau's opened more as he let go. "I can't tell if he's still hungry." I mumble looking his face.

"Didn't someone tell you that if you put their towards your nose you can tell if they are hungry?" Timothée asked. His eye brows furrowed together. I raise a brow.

I lean my head down to his mouth. He tries to suck on the tip of my nose. I giggle at him. I pull my gown down a bit more so i could have him do the other one. He squirms around until i give him it.

"Does it feel weird?" Timothée asked. I tilt my head side to side. Beau's hand reached up from the blanket. Timothée reached his finger out. Beau gripped on the finger tightly. Timothée let out a small chuckle. I smiled at him and Beau. They were already so adorable together.

    Someone knocked on the door. It opened slightly. It was Pauline, Timothée's parents, and my dad. They smiled at us as Timothée motions them to come in the room. They all walk in together. I push my gown up to cover up a bit more.

    "Can we see him?" Nicole asked. Timothée looks at me.

    "Uh, im kinda feeding him right now but if you really want to see him you want to." I say. I look down at Beau who was still munchin on my boob.

    Nicole walked over. She gasped and put her hand up to her face. tears came to her eyes. "Oh he's so perfect." She whispers. I smile.

    Pauline walks over to us. "Oh that is definitely Timothée." Pauline says. Timothée and I chuckle. Pauline looks at Beau. "Wait what's his name?" She asks.

    "Oh, i completely forgot to tell you he had a name." I said. I fix Beau in my arms.

    "His name is Beau Jean Chalamet." Timothée tells them. Nicole put her hand on her heart.

    "Awh. I have a grand baby." She cried. Marc walked over to her to comfort her.

    "Such a beautiful name." Marc said. He hugged Nicole and rubbed her back as she grabbed a tissue to wipe her tears.

    "Dad?" I ask him. He shoots his head in my direction. "Do you want to meet your grandson?" I say. My dad smiles a nods.

    Nicole moves out of the way so my dad could see Beau. My dad smiles. "Can i hold him after?" My Dad asked.

    "Uh, timothée hasn't even gotten to hold him. So, i don't know." I look at Timothée. He shrugs his shoulders.

    "I don't really care. Im gonna hold him a lot anyways." Timothée mutters.

    "Well we should let you guys get some rest. You might not get a lot." Nicole jokes. Me and Timothée chuckle.

    "yeah. he may look like timothée but he might be a crier like you." My dad teases. I roll my eyes as people laughed. "I hope you do get a lot of rest sweetheart." My dad said giving me a kiss on the head before he leaves. Timothée's family starts to say good bye to him.

    Beau's face starts to turn and he starts to fuss.He stops eating and squirms around. "Oh no." I say softly. I don't know what to do. Timothée walked in after escorting his parents out. I look at him for help.

"I know what to do." Timothée smirks proudly. He takes Beau out of my arms along with the blanket. He puts his head by his shoulder and starts to pat his back softly. I fix myself and make my bed more comfortable.

I hear a tiny little burp and gasp. I look over at Timothée who's face was shocked. Beau burped on him. I just laugh at him.

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