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"Okay so Mrs. Chalamet. So, what did Mr. Lewis do to you on the set?" The district attorney asks. Turns out, Jeremy has had multiple sexual assault allegations against him. Someone actually told the cops. Now i'm in court testifying against him.

I gulp. "Mr. Lewis was very sexual on set. While he was still casted, he would be very sexual with me and other female cast mates. I remember we were filming and intimate scene and, he was being rough. I mean he was supposed to look like he was doing it rough but you could feel he had the intention of being sexually rough." I explain.

I look at timothée the whole time. The district attorney nods.

"And when did Mr. Lewis really start to touch you while not doing scenes?" I sigh.

"It started in between a scenes. He would try to follow me to my dressing room. And there would be times where i'd be getting food and he would come up behind me. He would touch my bottom, my chest, and he would sometimes rub his crotch on me," I inhale deeply.

"Then one time, in between scenes, He followed me back to my dressing room. He managed to get it in without me noticing. And he up from behind me and grabbed. His hand was over my mouth and his arm was holding mg waist tightly. He said 'Don't fucking move or scream. If you do i will fucking kill you'. We had just filmed a nude scene so we were in robes. He pushed me on the couch. And uhm..." I stop as my tears ran down my cheeks.

"It's okay Mrs. Chalamet, take your time." The district attorney comforted me.

I sniffled. "I didn't notice he had set up his phone. He then forcefully took of my robe. And then his. He used the thing that ties it in a know and he wrapped it around my wrists and then around my head, part of it being in my mouth. And that's when he uhm.." I stop to cry. I look over at Timothée, who was on the verge of tears. I inhale. "And that's when he raped me.." I finish. I was looking Jeremy. He was looking down.

"Thank you Mrs. Chalamet." The attorney walks over to their table. "No further questions."

The judge looks at Jeremy's attorney. He stands up.

"Mrs. Chalamet. You said that my client threw you on the couch. Why didn't you get up?" He asks. Is he serious?

"He threatened to kill me it i moved. I didn't want to die." I say.

The attorney walks more towards me. "You live in new york, random men must threaten you all of the time right?"

"Yes but all of the time of able to run away. I was trapped in a room."

"You could've escaped." That's it.

"Sir i don't think you fucking understand what i just told you. He threatened to kill me. Even if i had tried to, i'm not some fucking spy that can jump in the vents. Now i'm gonna make it clear one more time. Your client tied me up, recorded me without my consent, threaten to kill me, and then raped me." I grit. I look at all of the people in the room. I sigh before sitting back.

"Okay. Now Mrs. Chalamet, did you and your partner have sex anytime before my client 'raped' you?"


This man is getting nosy. Like real nosy. Why does he need to know if me and Timothée had sex? Does he need to know if i have more sex than him and his wife do? I bet she gives it to him once every 6 months.

"Sustained. Please ask a different question." The judge says.

Jeremy attorney sighs.

"Well, Mrs. Chalamet. The video that my client posted you claim was filmed without your consent. Is that true?" He asks.

"Yes that is true." I say softly. I look down at my hands.

"And did you ever ask him to delete the video?" I look up at him.

"I did, but he said no." I look at Timothée. He looks pissed and then sad at the same time. He was staring at Jeremy.

"And did you ever threaten him about the video? The attorney asks.

"No, No. All i asked was for him not to post it. And he did." I was about to start crying again.

"So my client did another thing without your consent?" He asks. I nod.

"No further questions your honor." The attorney says. They sit down.

"Any other witnesses?" The judge asks.

"No your honor." Both the attorneys say.

"Now, it's time for the Jury to make their decision. I'll give you guys and hour to make your decision." The judge explains. She hits her mallot on her thing. I get up from the stand.

I walk over to Timothée who was waiting for me. I reach him and he wraps his arm on my shoulder.

"I'm so proud of you for doing this." He whispers. "You're so brave."

I smile under my mask as we walk out of the court room. We sit down on one of the benches outside.

I felt tired so i laid my head on his shoulder.

I hear Timothée sigh. I guess i can use this hour for a nap.

{1 hour later}

"Has the jury decided?" The judge asked.

"Yes your honor. We have." A lady in the jury says as she stood up.

I inhaled deeply and look at Timothée. He rubbed my hand. I gulped and look back at the jury.

"How do you find the defendant?"

The lady inhales. "We find the defendant guilty of sexual assault on multiple charges." I exhale in relief. I was so happy. Jeremy bursted into tears. I bursted into tears.

People stood up. I stood up and hugged timothée. I cried into his shoulder. He swung me left and right softly. He's gonna be in jail now.

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