Three Months later

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It had been three Months since the Wedding had happend and Hermione broke down in tears after reading the Text for her. In the Burrow Molly senior was making Pancakes when a knock on the Door was heard. Ron stood up seeing a Blondine and a Brunette trying to convince a Redhead to something. The Redhead stepped in putting her Jacket of revealing a small Bun in her already wide Jumper. She walked in leaving a Dumbfounded Ron. She walked in the Kitchen hugging Molly senior tightly as she saw her and turned around to hug Hermione. Softly Hermione hugged back as she realized she was pregnant. Just now Ron realized it was his Daughter that had went 6 years ago. The smile on his Wifes and Mothers faces made him happy. He wanted to hug his Daughter too but she blocked him her face hard. "Can you call my dear Cousins, Scorpius is just waking Lara and Ally up" She asked her Mother. Hermione nodded walking out of the Kitchen to call her Family. The next secong it nodded and Scorpius came in carrying twins and a Redhead stormed in almost slamming Rose to the floor while hugging her. "Domi!" Rose laughed. Step for Step the Kitchen filled. There were alot of Hugs but a few people were holding distance. A little girl with blond hair came pulled on Roses leg and held  her arms up to Rose. Rose picked the Girl up and started playing with her.  Dominique was the first to ask who the Girl was and Linnea grinned at her saying "This is Dilara. She is actually named after you Domi. Her Nickname is DiDi. Just like you wanted to be called like that when you were younger." Dominique quickly wiped a tear, she felt so honored. Her Cousin named her daughter after her. "The other girl is called Allison but everyone calls her Ally." Rose continued. Rose could no hold back any longer and went to her Dad hugging him tight. Ron was the first to say "I am sorry" Step for Step everyone had appologized and Rose felt wanted again. Her life had turned complete again

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