At the Burrow

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"Guys I've been following this squad for a while now and I realized something" Lily L. said. "I'm the hotter sibling?" James S. asked. "NO! I think I found Rose!" She practically yelled. Hugo looked up hopefully "As in my Sister Rose?" "Excactly" Lily beamed. "On Instagram she goes by @GreenRosalineGrass" "Ooh I follow her and her squad a while now to and had the same suspicion. She really looks excactly like Rose and has her Temper. Why change her Name though?" Molly answered and asked at the same time. "Isn't it obvious. She dosn't want other people find out its her!" Dominique said holding back tears, she had been the one whom missed Rose the most. "Lets put some greetings from us tomorrow on instagram for her! It's her Birthday afterall and maybe she sees it!" Victoire suggested. Roxanne nodded in approval.  

So that was an Plan!

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