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It was at platform nine three quarters when Ginny Potter saw her slytherin niece Rose standing with two girls and a boy, two blondies and one brunette. Ginny noticed that they were holding those box device things. Hermione said they are called phones. Poor hermione, Ginny thought, her daughter is a slytherin. A second later when Rose came over she scolded herself for thinking that. Rose would always stay Rose Weasley. 

At the Burrow, Rose immediatly ran up the Stairs ad locked herself in the Bathroom. What the others seemed  to have forgotten, especialy her Dad, that she could still hear them. "Oh my God, is this Girl even my Daughter?" She could hear her Father gosspiping. "What a bitch" She heard Albus gossiping. Rose heard Hugo crying and her Mom trying to Stop the Gossip "Ron, please, Stop! She is still our daughter!" "You can't really still love that Snake, Mione!" This was enough for Rose. She unlocked the Bathroom Door and stepped out. Walking down the stairs like a Queen, Her Family (which was sitting in the living room) stared at her as she clicked something on her phone and held it to her ear a second later still walking down the Stairs. "Hey Izzy ....yeah it's me Rose....You got the Formulas.......Perfekt...........I can't stand it here.......Thanks again Izzy, Indie for offering me a place in a Family were I actually are going to be accepted....Yeah see you in a sec" When Hermione realized what was happening a tear slipped down her Face. Nobody else had yet realized what was going on. They first realized what was happening when Rose started to saying her Goodbyes.

"Thanks Domi, for standing up for me in Hogwarts." She said hugging a stiffend Dominique which was trying not to cry. "Mom" Rose looked lovingly at her Mom and continued "I love you alot and never forget that, even if I'm gone forever" Hermione started sobbing. Rose knelt in Front of seven year old hugo and said "Hugo remember this, I love you, like alot, you're the best brother I could have ever wished for. Even if I'm gone forever I will always be there in your heart and will be with you on every step of your  Life and fight with you in every battle of your life. Don't come chasing after me please and never forget me" Rose kissed Hugos head hugging him tight. She stood up and looked at her Paternal Grandmother "Grandmother, I knew you loved me unconditionaly until I got sorted in Slytherin. Know that my soul will always stay in this House baking with you" She gave a loving smile to her grandmother. 

Izzy stood in the Doorframe watching Rose saying goodbye to her Family, Rose turned to the Door embracing her in a great big hug. All of the People in the Burrow could hear what Rose was Sobing "I hate it here Izzy, I want to go somewhere else and never go back" Dominique and Hugo where at these words now crying really hard. A last glare India shot at Roses famiy for making Rose feel like she felt. Then she too left with her now bigger Family. Dominique ran up the stairs locking herself  in her Room and Hermione went outside very pale looking after her daughter whom was walking away. Molly and Molly || were staring at the Door like they couldn't believe that Rose was going to be gone. Foreever! The only one whom wasn't shocked or sad at all was the Father of Rose. Ronald Weasley was pretty happy that his daughter of a serpent was gone.

How would he react to maybe reunite with his only daughter again?

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