Part 13

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The past continuation........

The king was informed that his brothers were arriving soon. The kingdom, mainly the palace, was so happy to have their handsome princes back.

Taehyung and Jimin. Taehyung is Namjoon's brother and the youngest among all while Jimin is his step brother. They both went away to study and learn everything. As soon as they finished their studies, they returned to their home.

You were informed by your maids that the princes wanted to visit you. You asked them to come.

"Nice to meet you Queen Y/n" they both bowed as they spoke.

"Me too. I didn't see you both during our wedding" you smiled.

"We did visit but we had to return early," Taehyung replied.

You looked at Taehyung and Jimin, back and forth. You didn't find any similarities and Taehyung understood that.

"Ahh... I'm Taehyung, Namjoon hyung's sibling and he is Jimin, our step brother" Taehyung introduced.

"Ohh, step brother?" You nodded.

"Yes, his mother died while giving birth to him. And until now, we both studied while staying in his mother's Kingdom" Taehyung explained.

"Okay... please be free with me. I'm glad to have you both here. I was kinda getting bored" you pouted.

Behind that bright smile and jolly nature of yours, Taehyung did see that tint of sadness in your eyes. He wondered why you were

"Don't worry about that anymore your highness, we will accompany you with anything" Jimin giggled.

Yes, you were feeling leftover and bored, cause someone was not acknowledging your existence anymore.

Actually, things went downhill. After five months of you giving birth to the twins, Namjoon started spending less time with you. The less turned to the least. He was clearly ignoring you and you couldn't do anything.

At first, you thought he might be busy with things but it turned out that he was spending all his free time with Areum. You didn't protest that.

And when you saw him secretly visiting the babies when you were away, you started getting doubts. He wouldn't talk or have dinner with you.

He played with the twins either when you were asleep in your room or away for your work as a queen.

You even asked Areum about this and she was clearly as clueless as you. Even she talked with Namjoon about the situation but Namjoon just dodged the topic.


It was nighttime. You made your way towards Areum's bedroom to meet Namjoon. If he couldn't come, then you decided to visit and talk out with him.

The maid informed Areum and Namjoon that you were waiting outside. Areum asked them to allow you. You entered the room and saw Namjoon.

You stood still in front of him, taking his view. It's been weeks since you last saw him for a while.

"My Lord," you called out.

"Why are you here?" His voice stated that he was clearly pissed.

"To see you. You weren't visiting me" you replied.

"Wasn't it obvious? I didn't visit cause I don't want to see you" Namjoon stated.

"W-why? Did I do anything wrong? Please tell me so that I can correct myself" you walked towards him.

"Don't you dare come near me" he made you stop in your tracks.

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