One Hand, One Heart

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Once my mind had fully comprehended what my eyes were seeing, I raced back inside pulling John behind me. I shut the door and made a beeline to the back door.

"What just happened? Who were those guys?" John asked, quite clearly confused about the incident.

Sharks. That's what happened.

"Those guys were the Sharks, they are the only gang that has ever challenged us" I responded while quickly packing up my things. I didn't have much to carry so I finished quickly.

"The Sharks!? Those were the Sharks?" John tried to pull my attention but there was a lot for me to do and not a lot of time to do any of it. I made my way back to the kitchen and grabbed a couple knives and threw them into my bag. I walked back to where John was standing, still extremely confused about what was happening.

"I know you want answers but we have to go find Tony and Riff" I stated while looking him in the eye. We held eye contact for a moment until he let out a deep breath and nodded.


Once we had made our way out of the diner and a few blocks over, we arrived at Riffs apartment building. It was small and in a sketchy neighborhood which was similar to mine. The building itself seemed to be falling apart with ivy growing on the sides and graffiti covering what wasn't shielded by vines.

The carpet inside the main entrance was dirty and almost torn apart. I looked over my shoulder at John and he seemed a little uncomfortable with our new surroundings.

"Don't worry" I sighed, taking another step towards the stairwell "You get used to it".

We quickly made our way up the stairs until we reached the third floor.


I knocked on the door and yelled "Riff it's me! Open up!". It took a few moments but the door hesitantly opened and inside the doorway was Riff standing there holding what looked to be a knife.

"Oh it is you. Better safe then sorry" he said while setting the knife down on a table to his right. I pressed my lips into a small smile and looked up at John who had at some point moved closer to the doorway.

"Mi casa, su casa" he gestured his arms open to the almost empty habitat.

There wasn't a lot of anything. No clothes on the floor, no dishes on furniture. There wasn't a lot of furniture for dishes to be on but that's beside the point. John slowly began to take in everything as Riff and I made our way to the small kitchen at the back left section of the apartment. I slid into a stool that was in front of a counter.

"Coffee?" he asked, pouring a large portion into a mug. I shook my head and turned to see if John wanted any. It was dead quiet for a minute before Riff cleared his throat. John turned his head and Riff held up the coffee pot.

"Oh uh- sure-please- I mean, thank you" he nervously stuttered out and then continued to his search of Riffs home.

I turned back to Riff and he crossed his eyebrows before pouring a cup for John. Once he had finished making and delivering everyone's drinks, he plopped into an armchair.

"So what brings you to my humble abode?" he asked. John walked over to where we sitting and leaned against one of the walls.

"The Sharks are back".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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