chapter 5

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Anne pov

Vivi and I started walking quietly so that the killers wouldn't hear us
'The problem is we don't know exactly where they are' 'One of them Miss Anne' It would be good if we sneak up on him and kill him. I looked at Vivi and shook my head. Vivi understood what I meant and then crept up behind him and shut his mouth while stabbing him so he wouldn't scream "Good job Vive. Let's hurry up Liana and Louis waiting for us" and so we made our way to Liana's room and Louis of course we met three other killers but luckily we killed them "Finally we're here"I sighed relief but this is not the time so I have to make sure they're okay. We cautiously entered the room, "Be careful, Miss Ann." I shook my head
Where are they I can't see anything Suddenly I noticed the trap "Vvi watch out" When I said this she had already stepped on him before the arrow reached Vivi I pushed her luckily she didn't get hit "Are you okay Miss Ann" "I'm the one who should ask you" Good that you're okay Then I looked in front of us And one of the killers was holding Liana with a knife in her neck, "Liana! Leave her now," I yelled as Vivi held me for protection. "leave her now or you will regret it" Vivi said in a cold tone." "I'm sorry, but I can't. I have orders to make sure that you are deaths " he said while liana crying 'f*ck that person won't stop. I must find a plan. wait a minute where is louis?!' I looked around to see where is louis but there is no sight of him. calm down Anne he must be safe let's focus in Liana' suddenly i remember what Alex taught. I have only one chance and I don't want to lose it. "Vivi, can you distract him?" I whispered, "Yes, but why?" I smiled, "I have a plan." I used a spell to bring down the chandelier "You **&$" he avoided of course but "now!" Vivi took the dagger from me and quickly threw it at the killer, but only the tip of his shoulder was hurt 'It's my turn, please just work' I cast a teleportation spell to make Vivi appear behind him, "Vivi!" Vivi appeared behind him and was fatally injured "Good job Vivi" Fortunately, Vivi was a knight, or else it wouldn't have worked out "It's thanks to you Miss Anne" I looked at Liana "Are you okay? Where is Louis?"Liana started shedding tears "Please save my brother" I expected this "Where is he, do you know anything about his whereabouts?" Damn, was it the mystery boy, Liana doesn't seem to know anything. I sighed and said, "Vvi, is he already dead? If so, bring him something useful." "He died and I got two daggers from him." Good, the more weapons, the better. I looked at Liana, who was shivering, "Liana, don't worry, we'll find Louis, I have, shall we go to Liana?" She looked at me hesitantly, then said, "Yes, I want to find Louis."

Celestine pov
"they have did it" I looked at the blood of those we killed. Unfortunately your death was in vain Some man's step broke the silence in the place "You've come at last, Mr. Felix." Felix gave a cold look and then said, "You seem to be in a hurry, Mr. Celestine over everything." I smiled cunningly. "What do you care, Mr. Felix, as long as I help His Majesty, you won't kill me?" Yes, that's true, as long as I don't bother Claude, I won't die, because of what I did today, I'm going to make my father shocked by this. "By the way, why is His Majesty's knight here?" I expected Claude to send his imperial knights, but I didn't expect Felix to be "to escort you to the imperial palace, of course to investigate the matter." so his majesty won't leave me alone for a while "fair enough" Felix and I began to walk to my brother John's office in order to give him the papers to prove my words "By the way, Mr. Felix, I have a question" Felix sighed in annoyed "Say what you have." Yes, the question I always wanted to ask was "Are you going to kill anyone His Majesty commands?" I looked at the moon as I walked, waiting for his answer, "Yes, of course, an Imperial Knight must always obey the Emperor." So that means, "Even if one of his sons you have to kill is one of his sons." I looked at him seriously, it was him. He seems shocked by my question
As I expected, "No need to answer, but I hope Mr. Felix will follow his heart when he gets to this point. Of course you can forget what I told you about." I won't let Claude take Anne if he's going to hurt her. After a period of complete silence, we arrived at the office. I went in and took the basic files and gave them to Felix, "Good now, shall we go to the imperial palace?"

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