chapter 2

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this picture is not mine
this chapter will explain some details about chapter one,  i hope you will like it.
since i was born, I have lived in hospital. because I was suffering from very low blood sugar.
of course I was wondering about the world outside the hospital, but i can't go because of that weak body.
I spent all my childhood in hospital.
Studying, eating, playing, sleeping, I did it all without getting out of the hospital. I did not have a family, according to what I learned, they abandoned me because I was an illegitimate child, and I live in the hospital on the expenses of someone who gives alms like me. The doctors and nurses were not treating me as they should, of course not all of them, because there was a doctor who considered me as his daughter, he was playing with me, reading with me and laughing and crying with me. I didn't know what it would be like if I had a father but I was sure he would be like him. I was so grateful for every minute he spent with me.
After a while I decided to sneak outside the hospital to see what life was like outside. It was the beginning of the new year, that was the first time I saw the stores, gardens and so many people face to face. It was beautiful, but I felt sad that I would die at any time without feeling true happiness, without friends, without family, without anyone who loves me and worries about me. I wondered if this was the feeling of loneliness. That night, I couldn't stand it any longer, so I went back to the hospital with a feeling of inadequacy. Then someone ran up to me and hugged me It was my doctor "Where have you been I worried about you" At that time I didn't know what was wrong with me but I cried That was the first time I cried even though I didn't cry out of pain or when my family left me Is it because I saw people happy and They feel so warm with each other and I don't own one. "It's all right, I'm here for you, I have you can bring out what's in your heart" he was warm, I wish that he would be with me before I die.
After that incident I wondered why he's so nice to me and why he cares about me “Why are you so nice to me?” I asked as I closed the book. He looked at me with a smile, "I had a sister five years ago who was terminally ill. She was like you. She couldn't get out of the hospital. She was feeling lonely even though I visited her every day. At the end, she died without being able to relieve her. Somehow I became a doctor and decided to try as much as possible." Alleviating the pain of patients like my sister and you “I felt happy that someone was trying to relieve my pain” Thank you, you are really like a brother I did not have” I smiled at him with a smile of gratitude “No need to thank me, just recover and get your happiness "then he patted my head after saying this, that was the happiest moment of my life.
BUT THIS WORLD is Cruel, it won't work as we wish.
" what do you mean by that?!"my doctor said with a shout "I am sorry sir but you can't do anything"  the doctor said with struggling "I want to stay alone, can you leave now?"  i said with sad voice "but,  but"  "please, i want to be alone"  i smiled at them whit sad smile "o, okay" after that they left the room "i am tired of this sick world, that is unfair"  i smile but i dont know why, is it because i will be free soon or i will have less suffering from the pain "little children are crying, little children are smiling, little children are sleeping~ I wish that you will sleep as they are. my dear friend I hope that you will get your happiness i hope that you will remember me, love me and stay with me" after that tears fell  on my cheeks
'I dont want to die, someone help me!' I cried inside me to the Lord that he might hear my crying, that he might heal me'
after that day my doctor came everyday  to make sure that I won't give up. he looked so desperate. but that won't change the fact i am gonna to die
"thank you alot doctor" he looked at me with hopeless face "why do you thank me?" i smile at him "I dont know but i felt i should do" i rely on the bed. "I am tired" i closed my eyes  and went in deep sleep
*in the dream*
I didnt know why but I was running from someone I felt cold sweat and short breath that I could hardly do "No, don't come close, get away from me, the nanny, help me!" then stabbed
"the dream end"
"ahhhh" I screamed "huf, huf, huf. what was that" a hand raised toward me"dont touch me! "i looked up to realize it was my doctor" are you okay? did you had nightmare? " he looks so worried about my reaction "it was scary nightmare, i was so real"
I was shivering with fear. "hear" he gives me book "what is this book?" "I heard that manhwa is popular Among the teenagers, so i bought you one. i wish that you will like it"  
I looked at the cover of the book, the drawing was beautiful and striking. “Thank you very much, I will enjoy it.” He smiled as he patted my head, “Don't stress yourself too much, everything will be fine.” He tries to console me, but you make parting so hard. I looked at the title of the story, and it was titled Who made me a princess, a childish name worthy of a romantic story, the relationship of a father to his daughter and her relationship with the first and second hero, not to mention the attractiveness of the characters.I enjoyed reading it so much that I wished I could live longer to finish it. My doctor smiled excitedly when I read
"ahhhh, it s hurts so much" I was reeling in pain, "Be patient, everything will be gone soon, this damned pain!" My doctor hits a needle in my arms while saying this 'Will it end today?' I feel every part of my body is burning, I can hardly breathe. Abnormal fatigue as if I want to sleep forever where I feel comfortable and peaceful, but before this "Doctor, did I ever ask you your name?" He looks at me a little and then says, "No, you didn't." I looked at him weakly, then said, "What's your name then?" Wiping the sweat on my face "It's Louis, Louis Marchel" I smiled at him as I said "Louis, huh? I wonder why I didn't ask you your name before, thanks for telling me Louis" After that, I felt a burning burning sensation in my heart, as if fire was burning all over me, and then I spat blood. And I looked at Louis. That was the first time I saw his shocked face. "Gather yourself. There's still hope. Just wait a year until I find a cure!" He was incredibly excited. "Mr. Louis, please listen to me," I said sporadically. Lewis looked at me, "Do you think there is such a thing as being born again?""I think so, even if it's not. There is an afterlife" I thought a lot I'll say and then "If there is a birth again I wish we would meet even if we are not connected by blood I will be happy to meet you and consider you as my older brother" After I said this the pain started to get stronger "And I Also, I hope to meet you and my sister and to live as a family. I hope my name is the same even when I'm born again so that we can get to know each other somehow.” Louis smiles sadly and in pain."I hope you have a good family, friends, someone you love and beautiful memories. You go to school and learn what you've wanted for a long time, and finally be in good health." Louis on everything, big and small, big brother." Then I closed my eyes and the last thing I saw were Louis' tears.
everything is silent and dark, but it isn't that bad because i don't feel pain or suffering from anything. then i heard baby crying'who is crying' after i thought in myself i realized it was me. i opened my eyes to see beautiful women with pink hair and eyes she was beautiful as flowers, she looks so tired. as she turned to me she said "welcome my star, your name will be ANN" after saying this she hugs me' what is that suppose to mean?! " did i reborn again! "what is wrong little star, are you tired?" The woman showed a worried face, "Sorry, I can't confuse you with your father though, as long as I'm alive, I'll try not to make you lonely no matter what." Warm I've always wanted that warmth Flashback is over Note: All these events were previously remembered by ann
Five years have passed since I entered this world. I do not know what will happen to me since I was not mentioned in the story or the novel. So I will learn magic to protect myself from the current emperor and the former emperor 'I also wonder if Louis is here somewhere he and his sister, it would be nice if we met in this world' After this I entered the study room 'Miss, you came' I smiled at Vivi 'Let's start the lesson' Vive smiled And she says this "yes" my perfect plan starts from here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Writer's note~ Hello everyone I hope you enjoy reading my story of who made me a magical princess  . I wanted to tell you that there are many points that I did not write in this chapter, such as our heroine's relationship with her mother and how she lived five years of her life in a world that made me a princess. Of course, I will write it in the future. Don't worry, I know this chapter is long, but I had to, since I didn't write about it in the previous chapter so that is what I wanted to talk about let's meet in the next chapter.

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