Maya the Pug

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Cry's P.O.V.

The bathroom was now a filthy mess, watery mud all over the white tiled floor, and there was an horrible odor. Andy and Avery found a stray pup, and was washing it in the bath tub. When I heard a commotion going on in the bathroom, and I realized Andy and Avery weren't out in the backyard playing, I rushed upstairs and found them washing an unfamiliar canine. It was a light brown pug, and it's face and ears were black. The ribs were very visible as if it hasn't ate in weeks and it only had one brown eye. I didn't even see a collar around it's neck.


"Mommy, pleeease! She was in our backyard, and she looks hungry, and she only has one eye, and...and...! Please, mommy!" Avery begged, picking up the dog. The pug shivered from being wet, and I could've sworn I saw hope in her eyes. I couldn't be mad since they were only children, and they didn't realize they destroyed the bathroom.

A deep sigh escaped from my mouth. AK couldn't live with two dogs, I mean, he's barely making it with Edgar. Plus, we didn't even know if she, or he, had fleas or rabies...

"Um...we-we need take it to a veterinarian first, sweetie." I said, and they cheered.

"Yay! We're keeping her!" I rubbed the back of my neck, unsure if we were actually gonna keep the pug or not. Suddenly, Felix walked up. His eyes widened at the scene.

"What the...?"

"Felix. You do realize if we give this dog away the kids would throw a huge tantrum. Maybe we could give the dog a try...?" He sighed, running his hand throw his hair.

"Alright, but we gotta check if this dog has rabies or not."

So, we were left waiting in the lobby of animal hospital. Luckily, the pug only had fleas, and no other diseases. We also found out that it was officially a female. As I made a collar for her, I realized we didn't have a name for her.

"Let's name her Muffin!" Avery said, holding the dog.

"No, what about Princess?" Andy inquired. I shook my head at both names.

"What about...Maya?" Pewds said. had a nice ring to it.

"Yeah, Maya is cute!" Both children exclaim. Maya it is. Finally, we walked out of the Petco with our new addition to the family. I hoped she could get along with Edgar and AK, though. If not, sadly, we would have to give little Maya away.

As soon as we walked through the front door, Edgar came sprinting towards Maya, sniffing every inch of her fur. Maya did the same, but soon stopped since Edgar was trying to hump her. AK sat in the window sill, glanced once at the pug, and stared back out the window.

"Okay, Maya," I said, placing Edgar's old bed, and bowls on the floor, "Here's your bed, and some food and water, okay?" At first, she sniffed the food, but then, she quickly devouring the kibble. The vet said we should only feed her two times a day.


"Maya is so cute..." I said to Felix as we both edited a video. When I didn't hear a reply, I looked up and saw a devious grin on his face.

"Why don't we edit videos later..." He mumbled, walking up to me, and placing my laptop on the seat next to me.

"Nooo..." I protested, until I felt those soft lips on mine. He parted my lips with his tongue, and let our tongues wrestle, for a bit. I let my hands find they're way to his hair, and tangling my fingers in feathery silk. He placed his hands on my waist, and squeezed.

"...M-Mommy?" A soft, voice asked with curiosity. I quickly broke the kiss, and turned my head to the doorway, to see Avery with her Elsa princess dress on, standing there with her head cocked to the side.

"What is Daddy doing to you?" Blushing, I pushed him off, and stood up, wiping the saliva off my chin.

"N-No, Sweetie! It's not- We were just..." I trailed off and suddenly, a soft smile crept to my lips, and I patted her messy hair.

"You're too young to know."

"Oh...Okay! For now on, I'm princess Avery. The most beautiful princess and in whole world!" She shouted, skipping out of the room. I shook my head at the her adorable imagintion.


Sorry, it's short. But if you think about it, and combine this chapter with the other one I'm gonna post later on, it's make a biiiig difference. Yeeeah.

Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting! It makes me happy. :) Oh and by the way, Avery and Andy are five in this chapter. I know I should have posted it earlier, but my slow brain is just now thinking about putting Maya in this story.

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