Post Chapter: Familiar faces

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Far away from the valley of peace, a mountain top with a small shrine like structure, a figure covered in green robes is seen sitting down, suddenly they sat up and it's revealed to be a male panda.

Unknown Panda: My son's alive...

He steps out of the shrine and looks at a small farming village, where the inhabitants where revealed to be pandas like him. The Pandas catch his gaze.

Meanwhile far away from the panda village, in a small town, a Pig merchant is seen selling different vegetables to many buyers, from the crowd, a figure is seen, they are wearing a dark green hanfu with lighter green accents, they have dark brown pants with bandages around their brown fured feet, they had a dark brown scarf that covered the lower part of their face, a straw hat on their head that covered the upper half of their face, they had brown gloves on their paws and something shieved in a white cloth that's on their back supported by string. It was hard to tell what animal they were.

They're looking around the market not paying attention to the buyers, they eventually stop and see a small shop selling jewelry, from necklaces to bracelets to earrings, it's hard to tell but the person was clearly eying the shop. They enter the shop and they walk up to the sheep at the front desk and engaged in conversation.

Unknown: Excuse me sir, I'm looking for a necklace, it's for my loving wife, it's almost our one year anniversary. Can you help me out?

Sheep: Oh sure, anything for a fellow customer *brings out a box and opens it, revealing many beautiful necklaces* so what kind of women is your wife? I need to see what suits her the best.

Unknown: Well...

They spot something from behind the sheep merchant, a small grey fured horseshoe bat with purple eyes wearing a dark purple hanfu with silver flame patterns and waist belt, she had a black scarf around her neck and she was carrying a small brown satchel with her small feet. She was sneaking behind the sheep and it looked like she was gonna steal from him, the fox payed no attention to to her and continued talking.

Unknown: She is a loyal, sweet, and supportive women *sees the bat sneaking behind the merchant and stealing some bracelets and earings from the boxes on the ground* and... the kind who would always do the "right thing" and not mess up... *eyes the bat who notices his stare at her, she rolls her eyes and continues stealing* the kind who isn't an annoying pest who gets us in trouble with the law!

The bat eyes him and sticks her tongue out at him, the fox growls in annoyance.

Sheep: *confused* Uh... it seems your relationship with her doesn't seem to be positive at the moment, is the gift also an apology gift? Cause if so, I can bring out my apology jewelry box *is about to bring out the box but the bat is there*

Unknown: Wait!

The sheep stops, just in time for the bat to notice and move away from him.

Unknown: Actually I was wondering if there was any... *sees the bat is done stealing the jewels from the floor boxes and immediately gives a signal of sorts to him* if there was any brooches that would fit? Necklaces are a bit overrated.

Sheep: Oh of course, let me take a look in the back. But before I do, can I ask why your face is all covered up?

Feng: Oh uh... I'm... *lying* sensitive to light...

Sheep: Oh ok.

He leaves real quick leaving the unknown figure alone, he quickly glares at the bat who is struggling with the large satchel of jewelry.

Unknown: *sarcastic* Great work for almost getting caught Mai, what is this? The fifth time I had to cause a diversion?

Mai: Well sorry, you think it's easy carrying a heavy satchel with expensive jewelry? I'm like the size of a your fist!

Unknown: Please I've seen you carrying heavier stuff then this, now give me the satchel and let's get out of here before we get caught! It's a miracle that nobody hasn't noticed you yet.

Mai grumbles and tosses the satchel at him, he catches it as the clinkering noise of jewelry is heard, he quickly stashed it under his robe.

Mai: Hey Feng, do you think we can also take the necklaces too? *picks up a golden one with pearls from the open box* it would bring us in some extra cash.

Feng: Absolutely not, last time we did this we almost got caught, and besides, we don't have anywhere to put them.

Mai: Uh yah we do *points to his straw hat with her tiny wings*

Feng: No!

Mai: Come on, you did it last time.

Feng: We almost got caught last time!

Mai: Feng come on! We'll make extra cash!

Feng: Mai I swear-

Feng froze in place, he grabbed at his head in pain as images started appearing in his head, the image was of a red fox who had golden fur and four tails, and then a voice started talking in his head.

Unknown Voice: Find her....

Feng immediately snaps back to reality as he hears Mai yelling at him.

Mai: *yelling* Hey idiot!

Feng: Huh?

Mai: The clerks coming back, are we gonna take the necklaces or not-

She was cut of when Feng shoved her in the necklace box closed it, grabbed the box and ran out the store.

Sheep: *angry* Hey! Stop thief!

Feng curses under his breath and runs to the alleyway and quickly jumps on the roof and disappears from sight.

The sheep and two gorillas in armor show up to the alley way and see no one there.

Sheep: *confused* Huh? Where did he go?

It was late at night, Feng and Mai were around a fireplace in a abandoned village, roasting vegetables from a basket they stole awhile ago. The satchel and box of jewelry next to Feng. He was silent for a while until Mai broke the silence.

Mai: So, are you gonna explain why you froze back at the shop?

Feng: I have no idea what your talking about.

Mai: Oh don't play dumb with me Feng!

Feng: ... *sighs and stands up* We're heading out tomorrow.

Mai: What? Why? What about the jewelry.

Feng: We'll stash them where the rest of the goods are. I'll bring some to pawn for money, let's rest up and set foot tomorrow morning.

Mai: Ugh... find *eats her roasted vegetables and talks with a mouthful* You are one weird guy Yong Feng.

Feng leaves for moment and heads towards the other side of the village. He stops at the sight of an abandoned house, he removes his scarf and hat. Revealing him to be Red Fox, not just that, he looked like Yue, but he was clearly older by many years, his eyes were blue instead of green, he had a scar under his left eye, there were bags under his eyes as well, what really stuck out was his right ear was cut of diagonally, leaving only a small chunk left. His tail came out from under his robe, it was smaller by a bit and was a bit shaggy.

Feng was looking at the house with a melancholic face, tears began running down his face. He reached into his robes sleeve and takes out a green Jade necklace, just like Yue's.

Feng: Mom *sniffing* I promise... I'll find her, and I'll find the rest of my siblings, and I'll make sure nothing happens to them again.

Inside the house was an old framed photo, and in the picture... was Yu Hua, a younger Yong Feng, two Unnamed fox pups... and a baby Yue...

The End.........?

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