Inner Peace

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In Dragon Ghrotto, a water drop falls from a stalactite inside the Ghrotto. On a small island in the middle of the Pool, Master Shifu is seen meditating peacefully in front of a large dragon statue

Shifu: Inner Peace *breathes deeply*... inner peace...

Po is heard in the background as he slips on something as Shifu groans.

Shifu: Inner Peace...

Po finally appears as he is breathing heavily.

Po: Master Shifu *panting* Master Shifu. What do we got? Pirates? Vandals of Volcano Mountain? Whatever it is, we'll take them down, cause I'm in a mood. I need to get something done, you know what I mean right Yue? *turns to Yue but sees she's not there* Yue?

Yue: I'm right here!

On cue, The red fox arrives and out of breathe.

Yue: Wow I need to start running more *looks at Shifu* uhhh. What are you doing Master Shifu?

Shifu: One of Master Oogway's final techniques.

He looks up at the stalactite, it drops a water droplet. When the water droplet touches down, Shifu does moves and eventually catches the droplet, he guides it through his arms and finally drops it on a small plant that drops it in the water. Po is excited to see it while Yue smiles while impressed.

Po: Woah! Awesome! How... did you... do that?

Yue: And when do we start learning it?

Shifu: Inner Peace.

Po: Inner Peace, that's cool! Inner Peace of What?

Yue: I don't think there's a piece Po.

Shifu: It is the next part of your training. Every master... *Shifu then appears and walks behind them* must find their path... *Shifu then appears far away on a rock from the confused siblings* to inner peace. Some choose to meditate for 50 years in a cave like this *jumps into the water in front of the Dragon Statue then balances on the stick* without the slightest taste of food and water.

Yue: Welp sorry Po, looks like you can't achieve Inner Peace*pats his back*

Po: Right like you can survive without food and water too.

Yue: ... touche.

Po: *to Shifu* or...

Shifu: Some find through pain and suffering as I did, Po, Yue, the day you two were chosen as the Dragon Warrior's... was the worst day of my life.

Po scowls and Yue just gives him a deadpan look.

Shifu: By far. Nothing else came close. It was the worst, most painful mind destroying, horrible moment-

Yue: Okay, did he just summon us here to insult us?

Po: Probably...

Shifu: I have ever experienced. But once I realized the problem was not you two, but within me, I found inner peace, and was able to harness the flow of the universe.

Po: So that's it? We just need inner peace? My innards are already super, super peaceful. So all we need to do is just get this thing going! Inner peace, you're going down! Now show me what you were doing with feet. I saw you do a fancy foot thing...

Yue just face palms, some things never change.

Shifu: Yue, there's something I want to talk to you about.

Yue: Oh, what is it?

Shifu: It's about your sleep walking episodes.

Po stops what he's doing and looks at Yue, concern in his eyes.

Yue: What's there to talk about? There just sleeping problems.

Shifu: Your eyes turned gold.

Yue: That probably was an eye disease.

Shifu: You lifted 5 cherry blossom trees and tossed them at the mountains like they were nothing.

Po: I'm still traumatized from that night.

Yue: Okay I get it! My sleep walking is a problem, but I don't know how to stop it.

Shifu: I may have a theory on your condition, but I'm not so sure if it's valid enough.

Yue: Well tell me, I want it to stop too.

Shifu: Well, there's a myth that says when a Huli Jing loose control of their emotions, they can loose control of their power and cause serious problems, when they learn to control their emotions, they'll be able to use them with ease.

Yue: Okay what does that have to do with my sleep walking issues?

Shifu: What I'm trying to say is, maybe your sleep walking problems can be solved with Inner Peace, since your situation is similar to how Huli Jing loose control when their emotions are imbalanced.

Yue: But my emotions aren't imbalanced. I'm perfectly fine.

Po: Yah she's right, She doesn't seem all "emotionally broken" to me.

Shifu: Well this is something that I've been looking into since we met Yue, your unnatural strength and speed, your adaptive learning, and the fact your eyes turn gold, it leaves me to think that maybe...

Yue: *ears perk up* Are you saying that I'm a-

Before Yue can finish her sentence, Tigress comes in and interrupts them.

Tigress: Po! Yue! Bandits, approaching the musicians village.

Po: Danger! Tell those musicians to start playing some action music because it is on. *to shifu* don't worry Master Shifu, we'll Master Inner Peace as soon as we get back.

Yue: I doubt it.

Tigress: No snack stops this time.

Po: Hahaha! Snack stops, pfft. Wait, are you serious?

To be Continued...

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