Ch. 09: always

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-A/N: Just letting you guys know I'm changing her powers to where she is able to sense others emotions and change them to some extent. Able to weaken, anger, calm, but cannot make someone love another. Her suit has also changed to pink cause I feel like this suits her better. See what I did there?-

Present- the Domo

Ariadne watches the pink suit form around her body like she did all those years ago.

"After all these years you're still fascinated by that suit," Druig comments with a smirk present.

She just smiles and responds, "how can I not be?"

He chuckles and they begin to walk together. Talking about nothing and everything. They end up in front of their window. They window where they would lay on the bench and Druig would read to her. Or where she would draw for him, or draw him. Where they would share all their insecurities. Where she would tell him her wild theories and he would listen, putting his own opinion in.

She takes his hand, making his face turn red and head snap to hers only to notice she's looking out at the planet. His eyes full of awe and love for her. If only she knew just how much he wanted to kiss her at this moment. If only he knew how much she wanted him too.

Turning to look at him, finding him already looking at her. WIth a nervous expression he grabs her other hand and makes where they are standing parallel to each other.

"Dru?" she asks worried something happened.

"Just shut up my beautiful beautiful Ari," he whispers.

Incredulously asking, "what?"

"Just let me tell you," he demands. She doesn't answer so he can talk. "I am hopelessly, irrevocably, totally, in love with you," well she didn't expect that. Her eyes going wide, just looking at him. "I have been, always. I have always loved you. Because it's always been you, and I know-"

Ari cuts him off smiling, "shut up Dru." Grabbing his face and kissing him. He immediately responds by kissing her back with equal passion. Slowly pulling away their foreheads rest against each other, the biggest smiles on their faces. "I am hopelessly, irrevocably, totally, in love with you too, Dru."

He smiles wider, if even possible and pulls her back in, hands on her face. Her hands holding his to her face kissing him back.


They stand there, the gold bands going around their wrists. Ari is able to sense the nervousness in the air, but with a hint of excitement. The eternals haven't been able to be eternals for a long time.

Druig walks over to Ari with a smile on his face. If Ari couldn't sense the nervousness in him she would have believed his convincing smile. Ari goes on her tiptoes and leans closely to his face making him blush. They didn't notice it but all the other eternals were watching them with the biggest smiles, fully knowing they've already admitted their feelings to each other.

"You got this Dru," she whispers and he just looks at her with love and closes the gap between them. Softly placing his lips on hers, her reciprocating without hesitation. She falls down on the balls of her feet again, arms around his neck, his going around her waist.

Slowly separating he smiles at her whispering, "I love you." She smiles back whispering the words back.



Hello lovelies so sorry it literally took me like a month to post this chapter, but it's here!

So... THEY KISSED! I don't really like how it turned out, but oh well I just wanted to post this chapter even though its literal crap

Also I've been thinking that this will be the last chapter I post or write for this book. If you want me to continue please tell me and I'll try but I just have no motivation to continue this. I do however have a new idea for a book. Its not a fanfiction but my own idea. Its the grumpy x sunshine trope so if your interested let me know and I can start posting it!

Till we meet again,


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