Ch. 02: till the end of time

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Babylon 575 BC

Druig and Ariande watch Phastos build something, waiting for Ajak to show up. They sit in the back, Druig leaning against a wall, his legs spread out in front of him, Ari between his legs and her back against his chest. He's eating an apple while she's rambling quietly to Druig.

"But, think about it, what would happen if a pig and a cow were to have a child? What would you name it? A cig, pow, piw?" Druig laughs but responds, "Whatever you like best my beautiful Ari." She smiles up at him, Druig returning the favor.

"Ok, can you two stop for like 5 seconds, I'm trying to work." Phastos interrupts them, sick of their lovey-dovey act.

Druig facing his head away from Ari to glare at Phastos and comment, "yeah wait till Ajak finds out you didn't go to the party like she told you to." Ariadne laughs at this, Druig immediately facing her again watching her laugh with a smile on his face, content that he could make her laugh.

Ajak walks in, making Druigs and Ari's attention snap to their leader. "Phastos, did you go to the party last night like I told you to?"

Phastos scoffs and responds, "the party, yeah. It was-"

He was interrupted by Druig who told the truth, "he worked all night.

"Who was talking to you?" Phastos asks him angrily.

Druig and Ari laugh while Ajak responds saying, "get a life. And where is Sersi?'

Sprite answers this time while playing with one of Phastos's objects, "late as usual."

Phastos takes Ajak's hand and says, "I'm sorry, but I have something very exciting to show you, okay?" He shows Ajak his machine while rambling, "wait till you see this."

"What is it?" Ajak asks the question Ari was wondering.

"It's an engine," Phastos replies excitedly, "it moves steam from high pressure to low pressure. It'll help them till their fields at an incredibly fast rate."

Sprite interjects saying, "it's gonna freak them out." Ari nods while Druig starts to play with her hair.

Druig adds to what Sprite was saying, "I mean they only have had the wheel 1,000 years so..."

"I mean we could do that thing where you use your mind to control them and then they do it quicker." Phastos says clearly angered.

Ajak interrupts getting back on topic and says, "Phastos, this steam..."

"Engine," he completes for her.

"It's too soon." Ajak finishes.

When Sersi runs into the room Ari turns to Druig and whispers, "Dru?" When he turns his attention back to her she continues, "but what if dinosaurs are still alive and they're just hiding?" She still whispers not wanting to disrupt anything.

"Ari, I think that is a very valid point." He comments with that smile on his face only reserved for her.


After the fighters of the Eternals whipped out the threat of the deviants from Babylon, the people invited them to a party. But Makkari needed Ariadne's help finding silver cylinders to trade for an emerald tablet.

After searching for hours on end Makkari nudges Ari and points to them. "Yes," Ari fist bumps the sky and helps Makkari carry them back.

The party being in full swing when they get there, they find Druig stalling the traders until they get there. "Ah my beautiful Ari, you're late."

"Yes, I am." She nods along. While setting down the cylinders Ari can feel Druigs presence standing behind her, like always. When she stands up tall again his arms wrap around her waist from behind. When Makkari finds one of the traders trying to steal from the girls, Druig translates what Makkari is saying.

Ari feels Druigs arms leave her and she turns around to find him stopping a fight between humans. She whacks his shoulder and scolds him, "when humans have conflicts, Ajak tells us not to interfere."

"Yes, and she also tells us that stealing is very, very bad." He pulls out a trinket she stole and when Ari tries to reach for it he moves it away.

Ariadne sighs and gives in saying, "I wont tell if you wont." Druig victoriously smirks and hands her back the thing she stole. When a song comes on she asks him, "care to dance?"

"Sorry love, I don't dance."

"Oh yeah right, come on." She pulls his arm to a more empty area and holds his hand, her other going around his neck. When he puts his arm around her waist he remembers all the times they've danced in the Domo. Ari loved dancing, and Druig loving seeing her happy will always dance with her.

They sway to the music with her head resting against his chest. One of her favorite sounds in the world is Druigs beating heart. She could listen to it all day, just like he could listen to her laugh all day and never get bored.


400 AD Gupta Empire

Makkari and Ariadne are getting ready together in Ari's room in the Domo. Today was Sersi's and Ikaris' wedding. Ari may not like Ikaris very much, but she was happy for them regardless. Makkari was wearing a lovely red dress while Ari was wearing a purple one.

"Wait till Druig sees you." Makkari signed.

"What?" Ari signed back confused. After all these years they still haven't come to the conclusion of their feelings. Ari doesn't know what it means when her stomach flutters when he gives her that smile, or when he touches her, her face heats up. They're oblivious to their feelings, but the other Eternals can't wait till they figure them out.

"Oh, nothing." Makkari signed in response with a sly smile on her face just making Ari more confused.

A knock at the door made Ari turn around to see Druig who saw Makkari first since she was in front of Ari. "Are you girls ready?" he signed and asked out loud with a smile, but when his eyes landed on her that smile disappeared completely and his eyes widened. His eyes rake over her body not believing that she's real, that she looks this beautiful. Makkari doesn't miss the look of awe on his face or when Ari's face turns red when his eyes finally meet hers.

"Yeah we're ready." Ari says breathlessly from the way he looks at her, like he's in a trance. Makkari smiles and has to drag Druig to walk because he can't take his eyes off Ariadne.

At the wedding Druig and Ari are standing next to each other with the other Eternals. "You look absolutely gorgeous," he whispers in her ear.

"Thank you," she smiles at him, making his eyes drop to her lips, but he looks away with a blush.

When it comes time for Sersi and Ikaris to say 'I do' a second after Ikaris says I do Druig leans down to Ari's ear and whispers 'I do'. Ari looks at him and whispers back, "what are you doing?" He shrugs with a smile on his face and turns back to watch the wedding again. When Sersi says 'I do' Ari smiles and goes on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear 'I do'. He blushes and looks at her like there's no one else around because to them, no one else matters.

Only them, till the end of time.



Second chapter done, what did you think?

Sorry if there are any mistakes.

Till we meet again.


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