Honorable Bard... A Warrior? {P3}

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This AU is about after all the gnosis from the 7 archons are collected and all 7 nations are instructed to have war against Celestia. This is a part of the theory that I'll link twice! Hope y'all enjoy!

(link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGkm6fNnZiA&ab_channel=Wei%F0%9F%94%85)

{Part 3/3}

Xiao POV

Xiao woke up to the cold breeze blowing in his face and footsteps echoing. He opened his eyes and lifted his head to see where the noise was coming from. Two figures were approaching slowly. Rex Lapis walked over to them after glancing at Xiao.

"I'm glad you both are safe." The two figures nodded at him when he said that. One person had their arm around the other's shoulder. The person "carrying" the other person was supporting them, one arm around the other's shoulder. It reminded Xiao of when Venti used to help him with his Karmic Debt.

He blinked, looking down. The memories of Venti made him feel even more hopeless and sad. The feeling of his lover not by his side made him clutch his hand into a fist. The archons seemed to have noticed.

Rex Lapis walked towards him and crouched down, the look on his face made Xiao calm down a bit. When he saw Xiao had relaxed, he turned to the two people who were now talking with the other archons. They turned to Rex Lapis when he finished making sure Xiao was okay.

"Xiao, I'm not sure if you realized, but those two people are the Pyro and Hydro archon, Murata and *insert Hydro Archon's name*." He smiled at Xiao softly. "Murata, *insert Hydro Archon's name*, this is Xiao, one of the Adepti and Yaskha from Liyue."

Xiao nodded in greeting before his mind drifting somewhere else, thinking of his lover. But this time, these were more positive thoughts. Thoughts that made him smile.


Venti ran through the grass, his braids being blown back by the wind as Venti held Xiao's hand gently. Xiao clutched Venti's hand tightly. Venti suddenly stopped and turned back to Xiao, then got closer to him and smacked a bit kiss on his cheek. Xiao flinched in surprise but accepted it, hugging Venti tightly.

Venti laughed, putting his arms around Xiao's neck, burying his head in Xiao's shoulder. "I love you too, darling~"

Xiao made a "hmph" sound, making the hug loosen a bit so he didn't squish his lover.

Venti pulled his head back and stared into Xiao's golden eyes. Xiao gazed into his green ones.

They gazed into one another's eyes for a while, then pulled away from each other when the next burst of strong wind interrupted their thoughts. Venti smiled warmly. "Let's go to Good Hunter now, I'm starving!"

Xiao nodded in response. Venti took his hand and raised it, the sudden wind currents making Xiao look around frantically. Venti laughed. "I thought you were used to my teleportation techniques!" He smiled. Xiao looked back at his lover, clutching his hand tighter. "I guess I haven't."

In a blink of an eye, the two were now standing outside the gates of Monstadt, across the bridge where the popular city stood.

Xiao admired the scenery, but his thoughts were interrupted when Venti raced forward, tugging him by the hand towards Monstadt. Xiao tumbled a bit, but followed Venti across the bridge, making their way towards the City of Freedom.

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