Chapter 9

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Where in God's name did I leave that damned quill? I toss aside the black, velvet cushions in my frantic search. Not there. Sighing, I gaze around in exasperation. Ah ha! There it is!

I seize it from the table in front of the fireplace, which is laden down with dishes of food. I woke up so late this morning, you have no idea. Luckily, one of the perks of being the Head Students is that you get to order in meals. I smile happily. I hope Draco likes it.

Speaking of which, where is Draco? Normally, he's down by now, ready to go. Maybe he's still asleep... I put my quill in my bag and, throwing it over my shoulder, race up the stairs. I reach his oaken door and knock gently on it.

Where is he? Why isn't he answering? He must be really tired. OK, here goes. I open the door and walk into his dark room, picking my way carefully past green beanbags. I stand by his bed and gaze at his sleeping, half-naked form. Even though I've already seen it, it's like I'm seeing him for the first time. I gently brush his soft wavy hair away from his closed eyes. God, he's gorgeous. And he looks so innocent when he's sleeping, so trusting and angelic... his duvet is at his waist, one hand flung over it. The whole scene looks so inviting... maybe I could join him...

No, Hermione. Concentrate. Raising one hand slowly, I put it on one of his toned shoulders and shake him gently.

"Draco," I whisper," Draco, wake up." He frowns and stirs, trying to shake off my hand.

"Come on, Mum," he mumbles, pulling up the duvet and turning his head away. "Just five more minutes."

I can't help but giggle softly. Aah, how cute.

"Draco, it's me. Hermione" I shake him once more. " Get up. It's half past now."

My words seem to wake him up and he opens his blurry eyes.

"Hermione?" he frowns, rubbing the sleep tiredly from his eyes (aah, how adorable). "What... what are you doing here?"

"You'll be late if you don't get up. I ordered in some breakfast," I say, taking a step away from his bed. To my surprise, he gives me a wide smile.

"Thanks," he says, eyes twinkling. I nod and smile. With one last wave, I walk happily out of the room, my job done.


Now, its important that you know that I never wake up late on a school day, even if I've been out to a late party the night before. But, for some reason, I woke up late this morning and no one must know why.

Sighing, I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom. I only got around three hours of sleep. You see, no matter howmuch I tried, I couldn't get Hermione out of my head last night. I jept thinking about her beautiful smile, glowing honey eyes, full pink lips and that angelic, trusting look she gets whenever she looks at me...

See! I'm doing it again. I can't get out of my head and I don't know why. Yeah, I guess we're friends, but I don't spend this much time thinking about all my other mates, do I? And, even when I'm 'going out' with (i.e sleeping with) someone (which I tend to do quite a lot), I have no trouble in removing their presence from my mind. But, for some reason, I can't do the same for her.

And I'm afraid to ask myself why.



This is annoying. I mean, I know that we, as a class, haven't gone over the theory behind creating a Patronus, but some people can't conjure them! Aka me. And there are those who learnt this stuff years back. People like Hermione. This must be annoying for her. Why do I even care?

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