Chapter 2

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Hermione Granger, the girl who just last week turned Draco Malfoy into a ferret and bounced him off the walls of the Great Hall in front of numerous witnesses, has now got her arms wrapped tightly around him! In the tense silence, you could hear a pin drop. As a matter of fact, let's try that shall we? Just to prove my point. Ah, exactly as I thought...this is just too good. Let's move to a closer desk to get a better view. I mean it's not like anyone's gonna notice us...


WHAT THE FUCK? Instantly, I push her off roughly. Is this girl on something? What the hell is going on here? Oh, dear... wait a minute... Neville... and then he... and then it... and then she...



10 seconds later...

The classroom is in absolute chaos. Both houses are screaming at each other, each blaming the other for the recent events. Each knows that it is really Neville Longbottom's fault, but, hey! Any excuse for a fight, right?

Let's listen in...


"How is this OUR fault? The dimwit did it!"

"One of you probably planned this as an evil prank! To get revenge for the Ferret Incident!"

"WHAT? Most likely it was you, not us! We HAVE lives!"

And so on, and so forth. Meanwhile, the Head Boy can just be heard screaming at Neville because he, and I am leaving out unspeakable profanities here, is the only person stupid enough to do such a thing. And if you know Draco Malfoy as well as I do, you will know that I am paraphrasing his exact words a great deal.

As this is happening, Hermione Granger is gazing adoringly up at Draco (who is looking like he would dearly love to throttle Neville... where is that boy, anyway? Oh, yes. There he is. Crouching under the desk right next to us). If you stand up slightly and peer over the Slytherin kicking the Gryffindor underneath a desk, you can see her very clearly (You were grumbling before, I bet you're grateful that we moved seats now...).

Chairs are being thrown around, hexes hurled, physical beatings taking place right under our very noses and profanities (That I will not repeat out loud no matter how much you beg. I do not care if you did not hear them the first time, that is NOT my problem) are being tossed from side to side. It is chaos.

Absolute chaos.


Draco has such nice hair... why didn't I ever acknowledge this before? All shiny and floppy...not to mention the beautiful colour-he's just gorgeous all round isn't he?

I can't prevent a little giggle escaping me, and then I blink twice. Why does he look so angry? Actually, now that I come to think about it, the entire class looks about ready to give birth to an entire litter of kittens. What the hell is going in here? It seems as though all hell has broken loose. A chair whizzes past my ear as I strain my neck to see what Harry and Ron are doing... ah, there they are. They're shouting at Snape to "fix it". First off, why are they being stupid enough to do such a thing? Do they want us to lose points? And secondly, 'fix' what? What is going on here?

Just as I turn to look around more closely, making sure to keep Draco in my line of sight of course, I hear Snape saying that he is deducting 60 points from Gryffindor.

Those fools.


OK. Maybe I can just avoid her... but that's evidently a lot easier said than done. As I try to casually saunter over to Crabbe and Goyle's desk, she starts to follow me, eyes oddly bright, watching my every move.

OK, so perhaps that was just a one-time thing. I try again, this time dodging behind Blaise and Pansy-my dearest friends who will defend me from the madwoman. She moves instantly to stand near me again. Dear Lord, will this woman just leave me-wait a minute...are my dearest friends...are they laughing?

"THIS IS NOT A LAUGHING MATTER!" I bellow, desperately trying to avoid my new groupie. Almost instantly, their laughter stops (although Pansy's face is red with the exertion). Satisfied, I turn my back, ready to resort to drastic measures (running), when I hear an eruption of giggles from behind me. THAT'S IT. I am just about to whirl around and give those idiots a piece of my mind, when I notice that Granger is right next to me. THAT'S IT. Time for my last resort.

I began to run desperately. Round the desks, leaping over over-turned chairs, knocking over innocent bystanders. One boy, trying to escape from another, is foolish enough to get in my way. I hurl him across the room, like he nothing but a piece of paper. Finally. Those qudditch muscles are good for something.

Because they definitely aren't good at trying to beat Potty and the Weasel at Quidditch.


What seems like a lifetime later...

Despite the fact that Dungeon 19 now resembles a war zone, with over-turned chairs, pens and pencils everywhere, and ingredients littering the floor, Snape has managed to restore some sort of order. However, to Draco's never ending disgust, he has permitted the Head Girl to sit beside said boy to maintain the fragile peace. At this moment, she is gazing adoringly up at him, while he tries to inch away-unnoticeably of course. For he knows that, in this mood, Snape will deduct points from anyone-regardless of their house.

Snape closes his eyes briefly, forming a steeply with his fingers. The class watches him apprehensively.

"As you all know, Miss Granger has become the unfortunate victim of a remarkably strong love potion." He starts." What you may not know is that, as a result of being hit by a concentrated dose of it, she will keep up with this infatuated behaviour for the next couple of hours, after which the effects will calm down considerably."

At this, a slight muttering begins to take place.

"However, I am sorry to add," he ignores the low buzz of conversation, "that as a result of the concentrated dose the Head Girl received, rather than the week it would normally have taken for her to go back to her usual, know-it-all-self, it will take precisely one month."

There is instant uproar. Both houses are instantly to their feet, shouting at the other and just plain shouting. And, oh dear, Ron just fainted. This is not going at all well, is it?

Thankfully for Snape, the bell rings. He, along with Draco, jump up and run out as if wild dementors are after them.

The raucous continues.



"So let me get this straight," Professor Mc Gonogall is disapproving, "Neville Longbottom, the long time bane of my existence, knocked over a potion-filled cauldron onto Hermione granger who is now head-over-heels for Draco Malfoy."

As she says this, her fellow staff laughs uncontrollably. Flitwit, having been attempting to make coffee by standing on a pile of books, has fallen off, Professor Sprout has knocked over one of her favourite plants in her excitement and Dumbledore is rolling around in fits of giggles. And these are just the ones we can see from our hiding spot behind the sofa in the far corner of the well-furnished room.

"Oh, this is too good" Dumbledore chuckles. Snape sniffs lightly and glances away.

"And now you, Albus, intend to hide the fact that you could cure Miss Granger in a heartbeat and instead let the inevitable chaos continue." Mc Gonogall continues, eyebrow raised. Dumbledore manages to sit up and answer her almost seriously.

"My dear woman. Think about it. We all need a little fun. Ever since the departure of the Weasley Twins, the school has gotten ever so slightly -dare I say it- boring. This will liven things up a bit." His eyes twinkle with mischief. Mc Gonogall shakes her head in abject disapproval, stands up and leaves the room. The remaining staff turns towards the Headmaster.

"Ah, forget about her," he sniffs. "What say we make this interesting? 10 galleons and you can bet on the day you think Draco will fall for Hermione, and she for him- for real." There is a short silence before the staff rush towards Dumbledore's chair, apparently eager ot be the first to place their bet.

It's going to be a very interesting month...

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