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"It shouldn't really be that difficult with a little motivation. Just remember that your NEWTS are in June and that this transfiguration will definitely come up. That should be motivation enough," The Deputy Head says, shuffling a few papers on her desk. "Just remember to wave your wands swiftly from left to right. Do not wave them in any other fashion. We do NOT want to have to send some poor, yet foolish, soul on a little trip to the Hospital Wing. Now, begin."

We're all seated in Transfiguration, being taught how to transform a bowler hat into a white dove. So far, all we've done is repeat the spell over and over again. Mc Gonogall doesn't want us to make any mistakes. But I mustn't get distracted. As she said, the NEWTS are in June and I have to get this right. Excuse me for a moment, would you?

"Transvio," with a wave of my oaken wand, the brown bowler hat transforms into a single white dove. I smile in satisfaction and glance around. It seems that no one else appears to be having much trouble with it (no, not even Ron), so I guess my services won't be needed-

"Excellent work, Miss Granger," Mc Gonogall walks past our table and inspects my bird, who is now pecking at the small pile of bird seed that she gave each of us. "Now, I would be most grateful if you would go over and help Mr Malfoy. He appears to be too frozen to even attempt the transfiguration."

I glance over at said boy. Mc Gonogall's right. Draco's just sitting there, wand twirling absently in his long, slender fingers, staring blankly into space. This is really weird. It's common knowledge that, besides me, he's the cleverest in the school. This transfiguration should be a piece of cake for him. What's wrong with him? I frown in concern. I hadn't seen him all day yesterday. Either he was avoiding me or couldn't even bear to be in the same vicinity as me. God, I hope it isn't because of what I asked him. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea, after all...

"Sure, Professor," I say, grasping my wand and standing up. She nods in gratitude before moving over to the next desk. I start to walk over to his desk, which is right beside the open window. OK, stay calm, Hermione. Don't screw this up.

I reach his table and look down at him. God, how can someone be so sexy without even trying? That tight white t-shirt definitely suits him. Sigh...

"Uh, hey. Mc Gonogall told me to come over and help you," I mumble, tentatively. To my surprise, his eyes snap up and stare directly into mine. My heart starts to thump so loudly I'm surprised Voldemort can't hear it all the way from his nice little fire-pit in Hell. His eyes rove over my face and my skin begins to tingle under the intensity of his gaze.

"She got it wrong," he drawls, his deep voice slithering down my spine, " I've known about that pathetic transfiguration since I was ten."

I blush, embarrassed. I hope he doesn't start yelling at me again for being so stupid as to come over here...

"Oh, uh, then I guess-"

"Maybe you're right," he cuts me off, standing up and placing his hands on the table. I blink, surprised. What?

"What?" I repeat out loud. Did he just say what I think he said?

"I'm not going to repeat myself," he's raising an eyebrow and I swear he's about to smile. I smile slightly in response. I can't show how happy I am at being able to change something with a few words that many haven't been able to with force. We continue looking at each other, my heart leaping about wildly in my chest.

"I'd better look like I needed the help." His eyes are still on mine as he picks up his wand. "Transvio!" With these words, the dusty old hat transforms into a beautiful bird.

I can't stop myself from smiling even more as I watch it circle our heads and then take off out of the open window, somehow a symbol of hope for good things to come. As it flies off into the horizon, I turn back to Draco. He's watching me, a slight, reluctant smile on his face as if he just can't help himself.

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