Chapter 6

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"Oh, for God's sake, Ron," I say, exasperated. "What is there not to understand? The answer is B. I would think that doing multiple choice questions would make it easier for you, not harder."

"Well, sorry if I'm not half as clever as you, Hermione." Ron says, offended, while rubbing out his couldn't-be-more-obviously-incorrect answer. I shrug and turn away. Don't give me that look. Is his apparent empty-headedness my problem? No, I didn't think so. I look over at Harry's work.

"Harry, sweetie, it's D not C," I reprimand him, gently. He glances up, smiles at me and corrects it, grateful. Ron, having watched this little exchange, looks affronted.

"How come he gets a 'sweetie' and I get an 'oh, for God's sake'?" he asks, chewing gum ferociously. Oh, for crying out loud. This boy will be the death of me.

"Because, my dear Ronald, he doesn't make nearly as many mistakes in an hour that you do in a minute." I point out, raising an eyebrow to stress my words. Ron rolls his eyes and returns to his homework.

I've been in here, in the Gryffindor Common Room, for just over an hour now, helping my two best friends with the homework I completed days ago. Well, some of the time. Most of the time I've spent yelling at them for not having started writing up some NEWT notes. I mean, this is our 7th Year. You'd think that by now they'd have gotten the point that these exams determine our futures. But, then again, who am I kidding? This is, after all, Harry and Ron we're talking about.

And speaking of homework, I still can't get over the fact that Draco let me help him with his. I get a little tingle inside every time I remember how close we were sitting. This is progress, right? And I've decided to go for the more subtle approach in nabbing him. Outright declarations of love don't seem to go down well with him, so I've worked out that trying to be friends with him first is a much better plan.

"Guys, guess what?" I tap Harry and Ron excitedly. Ron immediately shrugs my hand off; obviously still angry from earlier but the raven-haired boy beside me mumbles something. You know what? I'm so desperate to tell someone, I'll take that as an interested response.

"Draco said thank you the other day when I helped him out with some homework." I tell them, excitedly. I watch for a reaction.

"That's- that's great, Mione, really it is, but right now I'm kinda busy." Harry mumbles, patting me consolingly, whilst rooting with his other hand through his rucksack. What? Where are the loud exclamations of disbelief? I bet they weren't even listening to me. I sit back in my chair, disappointed.

"I still can't get over the fact that you're calling the Ferret by his first name," Ron mutters whilst chewing his pen, indicating that he heard what I said but merely doesn't give a damn.

I frown and ignore him. When will these two get the point? I'm in love with Draco and, no matter what he says or does to me that will never change.




The Headmaster looks up, spectacles perched on the end of his nose. He blinks twice before taking them off and putting them aside.

"Come in," he calls, leaning back in his chair. A woman's head with a mass of curly, blonde hair pokes around the newly opened door. Ah, of course, Professor Sprout.

"You asked for me, Albus?" she asks, timidly. Dumbledore gives a cheesy smile and beckons her in.

"Ah, yes. Do come in, my dear Sprout," the curly headed witch enters the office and takes a seat before his desk. He shuffles some papers on his desk. Let's move to that sofa over there to get a better look.

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