Chapter Twenty-Two: Starscream's recovery

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At this stage, I was honestly thinking that Starscream's condition wouldn't improve. He's started to move on his own but it all seems completely random and he's managing to speak on his own instead of repeating everything we say but that too is random. I can tell he's trying his best to speed up the recovery process but it might be making things worse. But the look in his eyes says all. Now that he can move to an extent, he would look at me with guilt and sadness in his eyes.

He would look away from the screen I was on, clearly not having the courage to look at me without possibly feeling bad for what he forced me to go through. I couldn't tell what it was. I plan to ask him when he can speak properly. I did introduce him properly to Isabella, explaining what had happened to Romeo. Starscream did seem rather upset when I told him that Romeo had passed. I decided to cheer him up by saying that Romeo wouldn't be forgotten and that Isabella was one of his many descendants.

Isabella is his Great-Great granddaughter. I think. I don't understand that part of family relationships. I just wanted to cheer Starscream up at the time. But I knew guilt was the only thing on his mind. As of now, Starscream was asleep for the therapy that is supposed to help him get better. 

"He will become his old self again, (Y/N)," Ratchet said taking me out of my thoughts, "Just give him time."

"I know he will. If he can get better after one of Megatron's beatings, he can get through this," I said, "I just wish I knew what was and is going through his mind right now."

"I have hopes that this therapy session should get him talking properly instead of mumbling nonsense. Then maybe he'll tell you what happened during your time together."

"Isabella keeps telling me to give him a second chance should he return to Earth with you lot. But I want to hear his side of the story before making that kind of decision."

"I've known about Starscream long enough to never give him a second chance. But from what you and Optimus have told me of these events, what Starscream did seems very out of character even for someone who lies and acts to get out of danger."

"Cowards survive. By him acting cowardly, it has gotten him out of trouble. But I know the difference between acting and pure fear. There have been many times where he ran because he was really scared. But now it's like he's another version of Megatron."

Ratchet and I talked more about Starscream for a while. I jokingly told him about Starscreams obvious liking to my mole friend. They too had passed on with Romeo but they had a child too. Ratchet seemed amused that Starscream got attached to something smaller than me. I even showed Ratchet the moles child who I named Monty. I find it rather ironic that I'm friends with a mole because foxes are one of many preditors to moles. But I guess I'm not your typical fox.

While Ratchet and I talked, Starscream let out a groan, just beginning to wake up. Ratchet stopped his therapy treatment and let Starscream wake up naturally. His movements were still a bit random but we have to see how his speech is doing. Ratchet did his part seeing what Starscream could say on his own. His speech seemed normal with the odd tic of saying something random. I'm just glad that he's improving. But was time for a moment which he was clearly dreading. Talking to me.

His tics were in mumbles so I don't know what he would say if he ever had one. But, before he was allowed to explain what happened, Ratchet got Optimus to listen too. I can only assume Optimus was told about Starscream's current condition so he wouldn't get irritated by whatever tic Starscream would have. But Starscream looked a little scared when Optimus walked into the room. Starscream would go on to explain what happened. So part of what Starscream had told Bumblebee and I was true.

He did kill the Predacons but he only looked around Darkmount to see what else Megatron had hidden away out of his own curiosity. He did let the Mini-Cons go but for a different reason. He let them go because them being trapped made him think about me and what if I was in that position. He did it out of pity. But that's where things apparently got hazy for Starscream.

He remembers just walking around Darkmount when he suddenly felt some kind of energy surge he had never felt before and a lot of his memory from there was black or hazy. He didn't even remember going back to his old body style. But he did remember what he put me through which he wishes he didn't remember. 

"Almost sounds like you were mind-controlled," I said once he finished his story. 

"I wouldn't know what that's like. But perhaps I was-" Starscream was cut off by a tic, "Because I would never hurt you for any reason. Bad enough order you to be killed."

"What was your goal once you finished looking around Darkmount?" Optimus asked.

Starscream had a quick tic, "Now that I knew the Decepticons were no more and I wouldn't be working with any Decepticons like Shockwave, I wanted to go back to Earth to see (Y/N)."

"But I told you not to come and find me," I said

"I wanted to see what you did if I ignored your request. Believe me, I would have greeted you better than I did. And I would like to come back to you if you will forgive me and give me a second chance."

"Not until you can move and talk on your own instead of having random tics," Ratchet said

"And I forgive you Starscream," I said, "I would happily let you come back."

Starscream gave a small smile before one of his tics started. I'm going to have to get used to that until he's properly back to his old self. I'm just glad he can talk somewhat decently now. And he's making progress which is always good. I can't wait until he gets back.

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