Chapter Six: What happened after

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A rather long story short, we made it out and we're both very much alive. Though I think Starscream got the worse of it. While trying to keep me out of harm's way, Starscream almost had his leg torn off by the Insecticon. Which is why I'm saying that Starscream got the worst of it. He was leaking Energon and he could just barely walk away. He was holding his leg to stop the bleeding. My hand is also doing the same after making the wound worse by trying to escape.

So, Starscream did the only thing that would help us both: Contact the Autobots. He sent out a message to them to come to our location with a Medical kit for both of us. They got our message and one of the bots jumped through. Starscream would later tell me their names. The one who came through first was Bulkhead and the other, the Medic, was Ratchet. Bulkhead made sure we didn't have an ambush waiting for them and called Ratchet through. Ratchet jumped through and walked up to us.

"Make it fast," Ratchet said

"It would appear that, like myself, Airachnid has gone rogue," Starscream said

"What's it to us?

"She is planning to retaliate against Meg..."

"Mankind," I quickly jumped in

"I can provide you with her current location," Starscream said

"I don't believe you," Ratchet said

"Why wouldn't you? I directed you to the location of the Decepticon space bridge so you could rescue Orion Pax, didn't I?"

"Yeah, but then you and your human helped M.E.C.H. steal Bumblebee's T-cog," Bulkhead said

"We had no part in that! But he got it back, didn't he?" I asked

Ratchet scoffed and started to walk away with Bulkhead. But Starscream apparently had a plan B.

"I admit..." Starscream stood up, "aligning ourselves with those vile humans was a colossal error in judgment, but we are alone. (Y/N) and I only have each other for company. We do what we must to survive," Starscream gasped and fell to his knees, "But I have paid the price. I am now the one missing his T-cog."

The two turned back to us

"You're grounded?" Bulkhead asked

"Thus of little, if any, threat to you," Starscream said, "But Airachnid and her Insecticon intend to..."

"An Insecticon?!" Ratchet interrupted, "Here?"

"How?" Bulkhead asked

"Well, we would have asked, but we were both too busy squeezing through a narrow crevice, trying to keep the thing from taking me to Airachnid and chewing Starscream's leg off! While Airachnid watched," I explained

Seeming convinced, Ratchet agreed to give us medical attention while Starscream kept his side of the deal. I was given a human Medical kit that I was allowed to keep. I'm not at all accident-prone but I guess I'll need it. I disinfected my hand and bandaged it up while Ratchet got to work on Starscream's leg.

No surprise, they asked about me and how in the world I found Starscream. I explained everything which surprised the two bots. I held Starscream's finger when I saw his discomfort. Starscream looked at me and gave me a small but reassuring smile. When the Autobots finished with Starscream, they left after Starscream told them where Airachnid was. 

"Are you alright?" Starscream asked picking me up.

"I'm okay now. This just needs to heal now," I said referring to my hand, "what about you?"

"Doing better. But we have more walking to do. I worry about our safety out where humans will easily spot us."

"What about my den?"

"I'd still be out in the open. I know where we can go. It's safe, in the middle of nowhere, and away from humans. But I'm carrying you there. It's too far for you to walk the whole way."

"And we can get there faster without any breaks when I need to sleep."

"Precisely. Speaking of sleep, you should get back to sleep. I did wake you earlier."

I didn't realise how tired I was until he said that. But Starscream apparently still had something to do so he left me where I was to sleep. I just watched him leave before falling asleep where I was. The next thing I know, I wake up the next morning with Starscream holding me like a baby again and him walking through the forest. He seems to like doing this. But I'm not complaining. If I'm easier to carry like this, I can deal with it and I'm rather comfortable like this.

I moved a little and Starscream looked down to see me awake. He bid me 'good morning' and I did the same, trying to wake up properly. He continued to walk while I woke up properly and had something to eat. That would be the last bit of food on me. Great. Time to hunt again. I told Starscream about my situation and that we had to stop until I had enough to last me the journey or longer. Starscream looked around for anything I could possibly pack for food. I told him that I would handle it, I just needed time.

And he gave me time. He would watch me hunt virtually anything. Rabbits, birds, squirrels, fish from a nearby river, and I got myself some berries too just to be prepared. I wish I could have some chicken. But I don't think there are any farms nearby to steal from so Chicken isn't on the menu. I put everything I collected in my bag and told Starscream that we could keep going to his safe place. Starscream picked me up again and continued to walk to wherever we were going.

To break the silence, I asked Starscream to tell me more about Cybertron. And it seemed that he was more than happy to. Even a bit about his past. He talked more about his home city, Vos, and how respected he was before and during the war. And I was almost shocked. His former leader, Megatron, never even dared to touch Starscream while he had command over Vos. It was almost like Starscream was tougher than Megaron. Maybe not in strength but in power.

And that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing in Starscream's case. Being around him and listening to his stories of when he was a leader, I think he would use his power to command people wisely instead of blindly as most leaders do. And he just wants Cybertron back to its former glory with him just ruling over his people. You know, like how things were before meeting me. I hope Starscream can rule over the Seekers again someday. He cares about his people and I respect that. But, for now, we'll just keep each other company.

(A/N: any Starscream facts I've written about here are from videos about him that I can remember so take what I've said with a grain of salt. See you next chapter)

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