Chapter Eighteen: Starscreams return

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It's been six years since Starscream left now. I've gotten the hint now that he has no plans to return so I've just gotten on with my life. But I have a big day today. I have a flight to Warner Bros. film company. I've been hired to help with the animals in their new film. I happily agreed and I have to catch a flight in about an hour. I took one of my newest rat with me. A female who I've named Isabella. I never go anywhere now without a rat to accompany me.

If they don't allow rats anywhere, I respect that but, other than that, a rat is always with me. I was on my way to the airport with the help of some of my animal friends. Well, a bear that I befriended. They were helping me get to the Airport when what looked to be a Groundbridge appeared in front of us. The bear came to a stop and I quickly put on my gloves that I typically don't use anymore but now is a better time than any. I unleashed my claws and waited for someone to come through.

What came through was a big yet somewhat slim bot with most of its color being grey but their feet and arms were blue and their torso was red. They also sort of had shoulder pads and fixed wings that pointed down. I didn't recognize whoever the bot was so that's why I was being cautious. But it was a Decepticon. I'm still not taking any chances.

"Stay back, Decepticon! I'm just trying to pass through," I said

"Nice to see you haven't completely forgotten our history, little fox," They said smirking

I know that nickname and that voice. My ears perked up and I let my claws go back into my gloves.

"It can't be. Starscream?" I asked

"The one and only," Starscream said, "Come. I've found a way to get my revenge on Megatron."

"I can't come with you. I have a plane to catch."

Starscream's normal calmness around me suddenly dropped. He growled at me and shot me a glare. That's not my Starscream. Something's happened while he's been away. He grabbed me and took Isabella and me through the Groundbridge. Isabella was on my shoulder. We arrived on a ship where there were even more bots. There was one that looked like a Decepticon Troop who had a few upgrades, an Insecticon, and a normal-looking bot with scratched Autobot symbols.

Starscream explained to me that these were bounty hunters that he had hired to help him find something that would give him the power to punish Megatron for all he did to him. I asked what it was but Starscream said that he would explain later along with a comment that I still had the habit of asking questions. Only when I don't know what on Earth is happening. I was introduced to what I'm going to call Starscreams crew. The Trooper was called Shadelock, the Insecticon was called Razorhorn, and the normal bot with the scratched symbol was RoughEdge.

They were scanning for Energy signatures of whatever Starscream was looking for. Starscream put me down, confident that I wouldn't escape. I'm too scared to do that at the moment. Starscream has changed way too much and I don't like it. This isn't my Starscream anymore. I think he's been blinded by revenge and power. I don't know what power he's managed to find during the last six years but it's affected him so much. I tried secretly asking Shadelock what Starscream was looking for.

It was very vague information but he said that Starscream was looking for seven powerful Mini-Cons that would make him very powerful. How powerful, Starscream wouldn't say. Apparently enough to be on the search for them. Soon, an Energy Signature popped up on one of the screens. Starscream set a Groundbridge to the location and he walked through with me and Isabella.

We were on a ship in the middle of the ocean. On the ship were more bots. I'd never know their names but they all had animal designs. In front of us was a crab, and behind us was a scorpion, a lobster, and a porcupine. I'm just guessing that last one. The crab tried to pick up a purple and black sword to use on Starscream but he stood on it, stopping him from doing anything.

"Oh, please. There will be plenty of time for bowing and scraping. Now, where are my Mini-Cons?" Starscream asked the crab. 

"Starscream? The Mini-Cons have been running from you?" The crab asked glancing at the sword, "You want to know where they are, eh? Maybe we can make a deal."

The rest of our crew came out from the Groundbridge, seeming to intimidate the crab. The crab looked down at the sword again which Starscream seemed to notice.

"What is it you're so eager to-?" Starscream gasped when he looked down at the Sword, "It can't be," he picked it up, "The Dark Starsaber."

"The what?" I asked

"It was forged by Megatron. How appropriate. With the Mini-Cons, I can take the revenge I seek on my old master. But with this as well, I can conquer galaxies. Hm, I'm not powered up completely."

Starscream swung the saber making a sort of energy burst appear. It sent the ones behind the Crab flying into the ocean. Okay, I'm very scared now. 

"But it will do for now," The saber made Starscream drop a little, "The saber resists me."

The crab tried to grab it back but Starscream held it away, "And so do you. You wanted a deal? Tell me where to find the Mini-Cons, or I will scatter you into the ocean one screw at a time."

"Y-You're too late!" The crab said, "Those little traitors have abandoned ship."

Starscream yelled and used the same power as before to send the crab flying! Forget him being blinded by power and revenge. Add anger to the list! It's like you have to step lightly around him. Or he's gotten some form of anger problem now. Either way, I don't want to stick around to see what happens. But it's not like I have a choice. 

"Forget the Mini-Cons. With a sword like that, you've got all the power you need. Just pay us and get on with the conquering you want to do," Shadelock said

"Not yet. I still have need of your services. And there's no such thing as too much power. Not as long as there's more to be had. RoughEdge, bring my ship down from orbit and set up the equipment. Scan for the Mini-Cons energy signatures. They can't be far," Starscream said

I beg to differ about the 'too much power'. Especially with the kind you can't control. If Starscream wasn't killed six years ago, this new power will certainly kill him off somehow. I just know it.

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