Chapter 11

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 "One medium oolong milk tea with 70% sugar, less ice, and bubbles, please." Wei Wuxian says, flashing the cashier a smile as he pushes a ten-dollar bill across the counter. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Jiang Cheng rolling his eyes at him while Huaisang hides a laugh behind his sleeve.

"What store are we going to next?" Jiang Cheng asks once they all have their drinks in hand.

"How about we go buy some groceries?" Wei Wuxian suggests.

"Why?" Jiang Cheng's expression immediately turns suspicious and wary. "There's groceries at home already. Mom and Dad got them over the weekend."

"Well...I was meaning to try out a new rec-,"

"No." Huaisang and Jiang Cheng both cut him off. Wei Wuxian pouts.



"You guys are too mean!"

"We don't want anyone going to the hospital again. We're just worried," Huaisang says.

"I have to cook eventually!" Wei Wuxian argues. "I can't let my future wife...or you know, husband do all my cooking for me."

"I will pray for the poor soul who marries you then."

"Not unless I marry someone who likes my cooking," Wei Wuxian shoots back.

"Does such a person even exist?" Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes. "Maybe you should cook Sichuan food and open up a restaurant."

"Ah! Don't give him ideas!" Huaisang wacks him. "It would be horrible if someone filed a lawsuit and you had to be their lawyer."

"It wouldn't be that horrible." Jiang Cheng smirks.

"You two are terrible! Never mind, let's just go home." Wei Wuxian walks away from them with an annoyed huff.

"Heck no, it's too early," Jiang Cheng protests. "How about we do some holiday shopping? It's not too late."

"Hmm fine," Wei Wuxian agrees. "Let's go."

At some point in the mall, they all go their separate ways in order to conceal the gifts they were buying for one another. They have also agreed to do a Secret Santa despite Jiang Cheng's initial protest, saying it's childish.


"Wangji, what did you think of Luo Lifen." Lan Wangji looks up from the book he's reading. Luo Lifen is the young woman he and his uncle had had dinner with last night along with the girl's parents. Lan Wangji knows his uncle is trying to set up an arranged marriage for him considering all the women he's seen for the past weeks.

"She is nice," Lan Wangji says at last, but he deliberately makes the tone of his voice indicate that he is not interested in anything more than being acquaintances.

"You need to find a nice woman to marry," His uncle continues. Lan Wangji stiffens, immediately feeling uneasy at the sudden change of topic. "Perhaps you can find one at Julliard. Your brother mentioned you met Qin Su?"

"She is a friend," Lan Wangji says.

"Mr. Qin also runs his own corporate," His uncle says slowly. "But I also know he is very close friends with CEO Jin."

"Qin Su does not care about such things, Uncle. She is only focused on her own career." Lan Wangji pauses. "Uncle, she is a good person. You do not need to worry."

"Wangji, I know you don't worry about things like this, but you must consider the reputation of the company. Even if you do not take over it, your actions will reflect upon the family name."

"I understand, Uncle. But I can judge for myself what the impact of my actions has. I trust Qin Su." He pauses. "If we can be friends, perhaps we do not need to worry about the rivalry between LanLing Tech and our own company."

"Trying to make an alliance with Qin Digital will make more sense in that case. Forget it. It's like you said. You can judge for yourself. I will not bother you about it anymore. As for marriage..."

"It is too early to think about marriage, Uncle. Shouldn't I focus on my studies?"

His uncle lets out a harrumph.

"Choosing to study music? I don't know what you were thinking. Getting into Julliard is the only reason I let you continue with this career. I would have preferred if you'd taken over the company like I'd asked you to."

"Xichen will handle the company well," Lan Wangji tells his uncle.

"Of course he will." His uncle replies in a gruff voice. "I'd wanted to see yu work by his side, but we can't change what has happened." His uncle turns to walk away only tilting his head to glance over his shoulders. "Be sure you are successful too. I will go to bed now." His uncle walks out of the room and Lan Wangji picks up his phone to check his social media.

He had only just started using Instagram recently. Before he had only been following various accounts that posted bunny pictures. He immediately gets an Instagram notification of a post update from suibianyousay666. He had almost forgotten how unusual Wei Wuxian's instagram handle is. He presses the notification in order to view the post. It's a picture of him and his friends inside of a building that looks like a mall.

Two people are tagged in the post: @lotus_wanyin and @ArtisticFanBoiNie. The first person tagged, wearing purple seems to be scowling at the camera, looking like he wanted to be anywhere but in the photo. The second person tagged seems to be camera shy as only half his face is poked out from behind Wei Wuxian. Looking at the photo, Lan Wangji realizes he doesn't know a lot about Wei Wuxian. He only knows him as the barista who always serves him the best coffee he's ever tasted. On the other hand, Wei Wuxian knows him as a customer and the brother of a CEO of one of the biggest companies in in the state.

Is he really only a barista to me? We studied we were colleagues weven though we went to separate colleges. Is he perhaps...a friend like Qin Su?

Lan Wangji shakes the thoughts away and taps the heart button to like the post before returing to his bedroom. It's nearly 9 o'clock so after a quick shower and brushing of his teeth, he finally retires for the night, turning off the lights before getting into is bed. As he shifts into the blankets, he sees his phone light up again with notifications.

Suibianyousay666 liked your post.

He tries not to think about it as he finally closes his eyes to sleep.

(A/N: 随便/Suibian- means 'whatever')

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