Chapter 1

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"Is that everything?" Jiang Cheng asks him as Wei WuXian places several boxes in the middle of the room.

"It should be everything. We doubled and tripled checked everything before leaving the house," Wei WuXian tells him.

"When is Huaisang arriving?" Jiang Cheng flops the chair by the desk. "I'm surprised both of you chose to attend the same college. Did you two plan that?"

"No, it was a coincidence. But it's good right? At least I will have someone to dorm with all four years." Wei WuXian laughs.

Jiang Cheng snorts."I don't think anyone can tolerate rooming with you for four years."

"You and Yanli seemed to tolerate me fine for the past, what? Thirteen years?" Wei WuXian fires back. "Anyways, Nie-Xiong is driving here and will be here by tonight. He can't answer text messages though since his big brother is making him drive.

Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes.

"Bold of you to assume I tolerated you."

"Yanli, Jiang Cheng's being mean again!" Wei WuXian complains, turning over to the woman near the bed who was helping to put the cover onto the bed.

"Why don't you two stop bickering and unpack instead?" She tells them with a smile. Jiang Cheng stands up from the chair and starts moving around the boxes so they wouldn't block the front door.

They spend the next few hours unpacking everything and moving the empty boxes back into the car.

"I'm exhausted," Wei WuXian groans, throwing himself onto the bed.

"Why don't we go grab lunch together then?" Jiang Cheng throws himself next to him. "There's a lot of great restaurants around."

"Of course there are. Where do you think we are, Jiang Cheng? This is New York City. Everything about it is so amazing and beautiful!"

"And noisy," Jiang Cheng adds. "I didn't know you'd like the city after living in the suburbs for so long."

"Living there is exactly why I love the city. It's too quiet and boring sometimes. The city has so many sights to see! So many places to explore!"

"We should go then," Jiang Cheng stands up. " Before it gets dark and traffic gets bad. How do you plan on getting a ride home during breaks by the way?"

"If I'm lucky, I can hitch a ride with Huaisang and his brother. Or I can always take the train home too."

"Well, we can also come pick you up," Yanli tells him. "Where are we going to eat by the way?"

"Let me see," Wei WuXian takes out his phone to look up some restaurants. "There's a four star Sichuan restaurant nearby. Let's go there! All the reviews are great!"

"You're right. Maybe the city is for you." Jiang Cheng shakes his head. "But you live so far away now that A-jie won't even be able to drop by with food for you. My college is only two hours away from home."

"Nothing beats Yanli's cooking," Wei WuXian declares loyally. "But I'm excited to try new things and expand my taste buds. I heard that New York has some of the best pastries stores around. And the pizza is superior here!"

"Okay, all this talk about food is making me even more hungry. Can we go?" Jiang Cheng interrupts. Wei WuXian grabs his student ID, phone and key and they leave the dorm at last. The restaurant is packed full when they arrive, but by some miracle, they manage to grab a table for three near the back end of the restaurant. Already, the smell of spices begins to tingle Wei WuXian's nose as they sit down and begin reading the menu.

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