Family Talks

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I was going to put in a scene where Rachmiel is involved, but the chapter was already long and I didn't want to make it too long so I'm going to save that for next time. I also want to remind everyone that the "Leave It To Heaven" fanfic pilot is out and to please check it out:

As always, thank you for reading. Please comment, fave and share my work. And please help out at the TV Tropes Page for the Salvation Series:

***Sixteen Years Ago***

The city of Vicemir was as corrupt of a city as you can get in Hell. Every seedy thing you can think of could be done to the point that some called it the second-worst city in the rings. Only Pentagram City was considered worse despite doing everything Vicemir did but worst. Everyone big in the city had some kind of illegal underground operation in an underground network of them. One of the biggest ones was the manufacturing and distribution of Angel Steel weapons.

Out of all the metals in the universe, none was more feared than Angel Steel. The blessed weaponized material used by Heaven's armies to slay their demonic foes was what radiation was to humans. For demons, death wasn't a big deal since most reincarnated into a new body or, if they were strong enough, reformed themselves over time depending on how messy their deaths were. But if one was killed with Angel Steel? It was a permanent end into the void from which there was no return. It was illegal for anyone without proper authority from the Royal Family to hold such weapons, original or modified, but that didn't stop demons from doing so. Especially when there was money to be made in it.

In Vicemir, the biggest dealer of such weapons was none other than the mayor himself: Mayor Heckhopps. A scumbag even among scumbags whose opponents in the last election all dropped out as the voting day drew near or mysteriously ended up dead in "accidents." Only one candidate left when the time came, and thus Heckhopps won by default. Most didn't know how he could get such weapons so quickly after Extermination Day, primarily since the material was known to disintegrate after fourty-eight hours of use unless you were quick to stabilize it. The answer, of course, came from imp slave labor.

Technically, it wasn't "slavery," but it might as well have been named that. Mayor Heckhopps would find poor and desperate imps needing large amounts of cash for some reason or another (Usually debts or drug addictions) that were willing to risk their lives for payment. He would offer them big checks in exchange for collecting the angelic weapons both during and after the hours of the Exorcists killing spree. Naturally, this often left more than half of the desperate imps killed either by the angels themselves or by demons seeking to get the materials as well. Those that did bring the material in, while still breathing, were rewarded with a promise of double payment if they returned next year for another run, which most of them often did. However, Mayor Heckhopps would always make sure the repeaters were killed first and so on each year. It was a cruel yet clever scheme that nobody caught on to, save for those seeking to give imps their true freedom.

Running across rooftops, jumping from building to building, were two figures in black sneak suits that covered their bodies while wearing ski masks. A set of night vision goggles were covering their eyes, but the one thing that distinguished them was their black and white horns coming out of their heads. The two imps paused upon reaching the edge of the building they were on and focused instead on the one across the street. It was far too wide to jump, but that was why they had brought equipment to deal with it.

The taller imp removed the large duffel bag on his shoulder and placed it down before opening the zipper. A large grappling hook launcher, big enough to hoist on the shoulder, was prepped up before taking aim. The launcher shot a giant hook with a thick rope attached with a pull of the trigger. It landed on the roof of the building before locking in place. Setting up the legs of the launcher, the taller imp placed it on the ground as the shorter one took a screw gun and began to pin the launcher in place to make sure it would stay tight. Once they tested the strength of the cable, the two imps hooked themselves onto the rope while the smaller one made sure the large black briefcase in his hands was safely strapped to his back.

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