Chapter 12

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I do not own any of the Hobbit or LotR, just my oc and this fanfic. "Elven language," Black Speech.


A black arrow!" Bain quietly exclaimed, following his father out of the home. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked. "Wait, boy!" Ithilwen yelled, reaching for him but the door shut in her face. She was about to go after him, but stopped mid turn of the nob. That's right, this home is being watched. 

Gritting her teeth, she pulled her hood up. Even more so, I must go after them. opening the door. The ellith went after the two. "Wait Erayas!" Fili yelled. 

Ithilwen ran through the streets, weaving and crossing her way through the small town. Blue eyes searching for the two, but they widened as she jumped, narriwongly being tripped. Turning, icy eyes glared daggers at bother Alfred and the lake master. "Well, well, well, who do we have here?" the greasy master hiccuped. "See I told you there was someone hanging around the dwarves." Alfred's haughty tone grating on the ellith sensitive ears. 

The ellith growled, a low menacing guttural growl. This made the lake master hide behind his lackey. "OI, how dare, gah!" Ithilwen had grabbed a wooden beam and with it she hit the fool in the head. Swiveling the beam in her hand, she jammed the beam into the lake master crotch. Climbing to the roof she ignored the pigs groans. Having a birds eye view of the town, crystal eyes widened. 

Like a deer, the woodland elf jumped from roof to another's. Silver blonde hair flew out of their hood, glittering in the moonlight. Crystal eyes became a dark cold blue as they steeled themselves. Taking her swords out she was about to enter the bardgeman's home but stopped. 

"Legolas-tor " surprised to see her brother. "Wen-thell! he exclaimed, relieved to see his sister was alright. "Ithilwen come". at this his sister stepped back, a prominent fire in her eyes. The elven prince chuckled, "Do not worry, I'm not here to bring you back." the elf jumped onto a boat causing small splashes to occur. " I just thought you would want to kill a pack of orcs with your brother." he offering his sister to tag along as he jumped to another bridge. 

His sister stared in the direction he went,  soon a toothy grin plastered itself onto her face. Running after her brother, the smile on her face did not leave her as excitement filled her veins.  

Legolas just shot an orc clean through the head when his sister jumped down not two feet in front of him. In fact, she landed right on an orc, her blades piercing through the dark creature and the wooden boards below. Swiftly removing her blades she an orcs throat while stabbing another in the gut. Her brother shot an arrow past his sister, hitting one right between the eyes. Pulling both blades out she violently floated her way through the orcs, making them drop like flies.

"She really is suited for battle." Legolas lightly smiled, pride filling his being. While the elven prince was finishing the rest of the orcs, the ellith had gone ahead. Killing any orc, she saw. Just as she rounded the corner, she stopped, noticing an orc at the end of the board walk. The orc was tall and pale with claw still like scars embedded in his head. 

Twirling her black blood covered blades she sneered at the orc. The two approached each other, staring the other down while the orc snarled at the ellith, the dark red skin on its chin revealing more of it jagged teeth. Suddenly two orcs came from the shadows. These creatures are getting tiresome. gritting her teeth Ithilwen knocked the two out. 

Once she did the pale orc came at her, the sound blade rung as the ellith blocked the orcs club. As she swung her blades she effectively killed one orc that had attacked her from behind. Thrusting both blades into the scared orcs side, the creature fell to the ground clutching his side.  Ithilwen smirked, twisting her blades she gave another thrust. The orc looked into her eyes, a snarling smirk on its face, as it removed its arms. Valar help me. 

Quickly letting go of her swords, she let them fall to the ground while she stepped back and threw two daggers at the arc. The orc dodged them. Grabbing onto her arms, he threw the ellith against the side of two stalls. Ithilwen groaned as she got up but before she could fully stand, the orc stomped on her shoulder. Blood seeped through the elliths clothes as the Mirkwood Princess gasped and grabbed onto the metal boot. 

"It seems that this she-elf is wounded." the orc snarled. "You should have stayed home little she-elf." it sneered, applying more pressure on her shoulder. "I-I am, guh, not , hiss, weak that I need to go back home!" Ithilwen declared. Picking up her daggers she dug them into its ankle. Stepping back, the orc gave a cry of anguish. Ithilwen gasped in relief as she fell to the wooden dock, clutching her shoulder. The orc growled as he removed the daggers from its ankle. Darkened eyes sneered at the panting silver blonde elf. Raising its foot, it was about to stomp on her back but someone stopped the impact. 

Legolas sneered at orc while the orc growled in protest. The orc was thrown against the stall. Quickly grabbing onto the darkened creature, the elf banged its head against the beam of a house. Doing this a few times until the wood cracked, Legolas then tossed the orc into another beam. A growl came from the pale creature. Turning, it charged at the elven prince, who was glaring at him, an angry scowl on his face. The two tried to punch each other, the orcs failed while Legolas's connected. The orc recovered quick and had Legolas in a hold. Opening it's jagged mouth, growling, going to bite him but shrieked instead. Something dug itself into its side.  The blonde elf headbutted the orc, forcing it to release him. 

Throwing Ithilwen off it, the orc punched her brother making him spin. Thudding against the pillar the orc grabbed him and threw him into a flurry of orcs. While Legolas fought, his sister got up, picking up her two blades, she gave chase to the pale scared orc. Panting, Ithilwen leaned her shoulder against the pillar, stopping her chase. Her brother made quick work of the orcs two lackey's, coming up beside his sister, he too was panting and leaned on the opposite side of the walkway. Turning to face his sister, Legolas's back was against the wood. He blinked as he felt something go down his nose. 

Ithilwen snickered at her brothers reaction, "Legolas-tor, you've never gotten a bloody nose, have you?" she asked mockingly. 

"I do not need to hear this coming from a reckless ellith." her brother laughed in a harsh tone. In a slow angry movement the Mirkwood elf looked to right. Standing on the other side of the boardwalk, stood the pale orc as if taunting him. "Wen-thell, stay here. Let your wounds heal." his voice stern as he walked away. His sister nodded, "Oh and Ithilwen," gaining his sisters attention. 

"You did well." 

Looking ahead, Legolas disappeared behind the home, the elven prince ran to the stables. Chasing after the orc on horse his sword in hand and a prominent glare on his face. No one gets away with hurting my precious muinthell, and gets away with it.


Yes two times in a row I made true on my update days! Thank you all so much for your patience! 

Also the next update won't be for a while. Sorry, I don't know when I'll get back to this maybe next month at least. Sorry again 😢😣. 

Thanks for all the views💚, votes💜, and comments💙. They are all greatly appreciated! See you next time! 

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