
394 11 6

December 02, 2016
2:45 PM

Sitting at the doctors office on a table, I watch my nurse cut my casts off my leg and arm and I try not to feel odd about how skinny my limbs look. Being compressed in a cast for three months will do that.

"How does that feel, Mrs. Tesfaye?" She looks up when she's done and I nod my head.

"Better. Thanks"

"Great. You healed up pretty quickly, I imagine the therapy to help strengthen your muscles again will be just as fast."

"How long will that take?" I wonder since tour starts in two months.

"At least six weeks" she nods standing straight again.

"Six weeks. That's not too bad"

"No, not at all. Still gotta take it easy" she smiles stepping towards the door. "Wait here and the doctor will be in shortly. Would you like me to send in your husband?"

"Yes please" I smile.

A nod, she let's herself out and I look at my arm and leg again. It's almost like I was never in a deadly car accident a few months ago. That's actually kind of surreal because I shouldn't even be here right now.

Hearing the door open again, I look up to see Abel slip through.

"Hey- eww gross, look at your leg. It looks like a limp noodle" he points and my face catches on fire in embarrassment.

"Are you being serious right now?" I ask self-consciously and he starts laughing at my face.

"No, I mean kind of" he comes to stand in front of me to take my thighs.

Shaking my head I look down into my lap, "You're awful"

"I'm sorry, Angel" he kisses my forehead. "You feel better though?"

"I did until you came in here" I turn my head.

"Awe, I was joking" he chuckles kissing my cheek. "I'm sure they'll look normal again soon"

"Yeah, see that's not making me feel any better" I shake my head and he laughs again just as my doctor comes in.

"Hello, how are we doing today" Dr. Donavan asks disinfecting his hands with the hand sanitizer that's next to the door.

"Better now that I don't have to wear those casts anymore" I smile while Abel steps to the side.

"I'd think so" he smiles. "How do your ribs feel?" He steps forward and I raise my arms wincing a little so he can feel them.

"Still kinda hurts to raise my arms. But besides that I'm fine"

"Great. Great. So we're going to give you a splint for your arm and leg along with a recommendation for a physical therapist then you're free to go"

"Sounds good, Doc" I agree and he steps out the room coming back a few minutes later with everything.

A splint on my arm and leg, I try to stand falling a little when my leg doesn't support my weight.

"It'll take some time. Don't rush it" Doctor Donavan smiles.

Helping me into my wheelchair, Abel and I leave the office for the car.

Slidding in the passenger seat, Abel takes my chair to put it in the trunk before he gets in the driver's seat.

"I know you feel better" he smiles starting the car.

"I do though I'll be happy when I'm fully recovered" I tell him pulling my seatbelt on as he pulls off.

"One step at a time" he tells me pulling into traffic.

Book Two: AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now