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"My engagement party?" I stammer bewildered. "But... how do you know that? That we're engaged I mean"

"You really think I was going to ask you to marry me without getting your folks blessing first?" Abel speaks up and I turn to him flabbergasted and on the verge of tears again.

"You asked for my parent's blessing to marry me?"

"Of course. I wanted to do this as right as possible" he smiles.

Not sure what to say, I start crying and Abel takes my face to pull me close kissing me deeply and for a brief moment I forget we're in a room full of our friends and family until Wesley interrupts us.

"Okay, you had her to yourself for a whole month! It's time to share!" She pulls me away and he lets me go knowing I'll be all his again later when we get home.

His friends surrounding him, Wesley pulls me over to the kitchen table, "Now stop crying and let me see the ring! Let me see!" Wesley laughs making me laugh too as I show her. "It's beautiful, Doll. Are they real?"

"Um, I think so. Never thought to ask"

"I can't believe you're getting married. Is there something I should know?" She cocks an eyebrow and I feel a blush color my cheeks.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, I guess nothing." Wesley shakes her head just as my mom and, to my surprise, Samra comes over.

"Congradulations again" mom pulls me into a tight hug.

"Thanks, Mom. I can't believe you knew"

"Yeah, he asked your Dad and I the last time you were here. You found a good one" she pulls away with a wink.

"Mooom, stop" I laugh sheepishly peering at Samra who just smiles.

"What? It's a compliment" she fixes a curl in my bun. "Can't believe my baby's all grown up. Feels like it was just yesterday you were playing with baby dolls and I had to convince you you weren't a hair dresser"

"Awe, I thought I was pretty good at cutting hair at six years old" I giggle as I step to the side to give Samra a hug. "Hi, I'm so happy you're here"

"Of course, Nava. And congratulations, I'm excited for you both" she pulls away.

"Thank you. Did um, you know too?"

"Yes I did. Where do you think he got the ring" she laughs and my eyes widen in surprise. "Wait, what? This is your ring?"

"It's yours now"

"Wow..." I look at my ring. "Thank you. Thank you so much" I give her another hug.

"That's what family is for. I love you both" she pats my back.

"I suppose we are family now" I acknowledge as I pull away. "Wow, I have two moms now"

"Speaking of moms, how are you feeling?" Mom turns to Wesley.

"I'm great, Mrs. Gina. Can't wait to find out what I'm having in three months" Wesley claps in excitement.

"You think you'll have twins?" I ask and Wesley's eyes widen as she vigorously shakes her head no.

"I hope not. I'm barely sure I'm going to be able to handle one baby even with Lamar's help"

"Awe, you'll be an amazing mom. You just gotta work at it, no one knows what they're doing with the first kid. Plus I'll be here to help too"

"First and only" she laughs just as Rima comes up with a tray of drinks.

Book Two: AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now