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Sitting in the living room, I go through last minute details about my listening party while Nava eats the lunch Wesley brought her after coming from her doctors appointment. Out of sympathy she hasn't told us how it went, we just know they found out the gender.

"Are they not feeding you? You practically scarfed that down" Wesley takes Nava's empty Chick Fil A chicken sandwich box and she looks at Wesley as she wipes her mouth making Wesley force a smile. "How was her appointment yesterday?"

"Fine. Said she's healing up nicely, should be able to take her casts off before her birthday" I answer dropping my phone in my lap.

"That's great, Nava" Wesley takes her hands making Nava look at me and I give her a small smile. "You still think it's a good idea taking her to Toronto?"

"Yeah. She needs some normalcy right now. This listening party is perfect"

"I don't know, that's a lot of people for her." Wesley looks at me. "She's not even talking"

Fighting the urge to roll my eyes I reply, "Okay what do you suggest. I'm not going to leave her here"

"I mean take her to Toronto for Thanksgiving, she can stay at your mom's while you go to the party. That way she's not alone"

Thinking about it, I shrug before standing to my feet, "I'll think about it. You two gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, I got her."

"It's just last minute shit for this VS show. I should be back in like two hours"

"It's fine, Abel. She understands" Wesley lets me know and I look at Nava who's staring out the window and I wonder what she's thinking about. She's the only girl I've been with who's head I can't fully get into. I can sometimes guess what she could be sad about but with her not talking to confirm it, I'm at a loss.

"Take her in the backyard. She likes to stare at the sky, seems to make her happy"

It's been a week since Nava has been home and although she doesn't talk, she makes it obvious she doesn't like being inside. I actually woke up one night to find her sitting in front of the window. Scared the hell out of me because I didn't know she could move by herself.

Now every night we sit in the backyard until she falls asleep.

"I will, Abel" Wesley stands up. "I know how to take care of my best friend"

"I know that" I sigh looking at my phone to see Sal is calling me. "Okay, I'm out of here"

"Have a fun fitting" she waves as I head out the door.

Making my way across the lawn, I walk out the side gate and around to the front where the SUV waits. Getting in, I close the door behind me.

"Hey" I greet everyone.

"Hey, surprised you're going to this fitting" Cash looks back at me.

"It's only going to take a few hours, I can spare that" I pull my seatbelt on.

"How is she?" Freddy wonders pulling off.

"As well as to be expected" I answer.

"Still not talking?" Sal wonders.

"No" I sit back already ready to go home.

The car quiet, I let the sounds of the radio fill my head until we make it to this studio.


later that night

Running Nava a bath, I test the water to make sure it's warm enough before I head back in the room to get her ready.

Book Two: AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now