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An awkward silence falling over the table, I look to Abel curious how he's going to respond. Although I'm not too bothered about the fact he made Callum disappear, I do still wonder what exactly it is he did since he's still alive.

"How should I know?" He tells her making her eyes narrow as if she doesn't believe him.

Crossing her arms, Bella turns to me making me sit up straight. "Hi, Nava" she rolls her neck with a sneer.

"Um, hi..." I mumble.

"How was your trip with Callum?" She asks and that's when Abel stands up.

"Oh that's right, I almost forgot. Let me fill you in over here" he ushers her towards the restrooms.

All of us watching them go, Gigi turns to us again giving me a once over. A snooty hmph, she turns to walk away.

"That was Gigi and Bella Hadid" Cassidy says in disbelief when I turn back to the table embarrassed.

What exactly are the odds she'd be here tonight of all the restaurants in this city.

"Yes. It was."

"What trip was she talking about? Who's Callum?"

"He's an old friend from college but I haven't seen him in a while so I'm not sure where she got that from" I tell her not wanting to think about that cabin.

"Oh. Is he her new boyfriend or something?" She wonders.

"It's a possibility." I shrug.

"Well... she seems nice"

"Yeah." I tip my head. "She's a real angel."

When Abel finally comes back a few minutes later he says he's ready to go if we are. Gathering our things, we stand to leave.

On the sidewalk, we talk for a few more minutes.

"So when is the wedding again?" Byron questions.

"August nineteenth." I smile. "I was actually hoping you'd consider being a bridesmaid"

"What? Oh my gosh, of course. I'd love to" Cassidy takes my hands. "Where is it being held?"

"Um, not sure yet"

"But we'll let you guys know as soon as we do" Abel adds just as Freddy pulls up with the car.

"Oh, that's us. Well we'll be in touch" I give her a hug.

Cassidy squeezes me tight "Okay, see you next time. So happy I got to see you. Tell your mom and dad I said hi"

"Me too and I will. Take care" I pull away so she can give Abel a hug too then we get in the car to head home.

The ride quiet at first, I look at Abel curious what he told Bella about Callum. The fact she's even asking about him tells me she probably is the one trying to get rid of me. I haven't mentioned this to Abel yet because I thought with Callum out the way, her plans were pretty much ruined.

Maybe that was wishful thinking.

"What did she say?"

"That she's been looking for Callum. He was supposed to meet up with her here for her birthday"

"Why does she think you know anything?"

"Because you're here which means he told her he was going to take you" he mutters.

"Or she told him to, to get me out the way so she can get you back"

Abel looks at me then, "You really think she'd do that?"

Book Two: AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now