♮ 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 ♮

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- "What the hell are you doing ?" , Matt nearly screamed Emory's way as soon as the confused bassist had closed the door. 

- "What do you mean ?" , he questioned. 

Uncommon emotion read on Matt's face , Emory was mortified. Confused , he continuously rewound memories of when he could've caused his bandmate to be angry with him but it had no use as he couldn't think of anything.  

- "Emory are you serious ? How can you be such a coward ?" , Matt's insults continued.

- "W-What ?"

- "What are you waiting for huh ? Just do it !" 

- "Do what Matt ?" 

- "Just ask him out already !" 

Silence filled the room. 

-  "Ask who out ?" , Emory asked collected yet disoriented. 

- "Daehyun , you idiot" 

Cherry colored cheeks appearing on his face , Emory fell into silence as he looked away and pronounced ; "I don't like Daehyun.." 

- "And now you're denying it , great" , Matt rolled his eyes annoyed by the bassist's statement.

- "Em , I'm not asking you whether you have feelings for him or not.... I KNOW you have feelings for our drummer" 

- "I'm simply putting it out there that the time has come for you to make a move" , a smile painted itself onto his face. 

- "I know but what if he's... ya know... not into guys" , Emory admitted his worry.

- "With the way he looks at you , I wouldn't worry about that" 

- "W-what ?" 

Matt smiled yet again then gently motioned for the two to sit down. 

- "Daehyun... he's even more obvious than you , you know ? With how affectionately he smiles your way as you bully Marggs into morning hugs... or how undeniable it is that his face lights up when you're together , which is like almost always but yeah... Also , sometimes , I catch him staring at your lips after you two part from a hug.. it's painfully clear that he wants to kiss you during those moments" , a soft laugh escaping his mouth , Matt gazed over to a blushing Emory using his hands in order to cover his rosy cheeks.

- "Should I go on ?" , Matt teased. 

Without missing a beat , Emory stood up then voiced a quiet , "Please don't.." . After that , he hurriedly left the room. Leaving a smiling guitarist to almost inaudibly whisper to himself ; 

- "I'm gonna be a great dad" 

𝐄𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐝 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 ↬ a queer love storyWhere stories live. Discover now