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15th June, 2021.

"What are we going to do now?" Jimin asked Hoseok, watching Jungkook whine and sulk to go with them.

"Are you that eager to kill Taehyung?"

"Uh- yes." Jungkook lied to Hoseok because maybe that will change the older male's mind.

"We will do that for you so just relax. We wouldn't come back until he is dead and to be sure, we will bring you some evidance too."

Jungkook just choked hearing what Jimin told him and by that Jimin would definitely mean each word he said. He hates everyone who is in the opposite gangs especially the ones in Taehyung's group because they were a threat to him always. He can't ever beat them no matter how much he risked his own life in the process. Hoseok just chuckled as he ruffled Jungkook's hair into a mess.

"I want to do it myself. Don't kill him on your own." Jungkook some how came up with those words in the last minute.

"It depends on the situation." Jimin scoffed before getting into his car along with Hoseok.

Jungkook stood there helplessly while watching his hyungs go for the mission. He just had one thing to do and that was protecting his boy friend but it looked like he failed. He decided to stop Taehyung from going to the mission even if it is nearly impossible. He kept trying to reach Taehyung by calls but none of the calls were answered.

"Pick the call up, Taehyung. I swear to kill you by myself if you go for the mission." Jungkook cursed as he drove back fast to the apartment ignoring the pain in his arms.

He didn't care about the autopilot mode this time because he needed to reach Taehyung as fast as he could. Jungkook even wanted to expose his relation with Taehyung if that's what it would take to stop Jimin and Hoseok. Namjoon had another gang to deal with so Jungkook could relax a little. He felt really stupid for getting his hand broken with such an amazing idea of falling down the stairs.

It was just a night ago, he heard Taehyung moan and cry due to the pain in his legs. The blood which pooled beside the boy when his legs wobbled by the elevator side flashed before his eyes. If it weren't for the bright head light of the car which came straight at him, Jungkook would have crashed his car some where.

"Stay alive till I come to you, please." The tears which he believed have dried up years ago, just came flowing down every time he thought of Taehyung.

15th June, 2021.

Taehyung and his hyungs arrived at the location after a drive of about two hours. He kept glaring at Baekyun who was only talking about killing Jungkook if the boy shows up against the rules. Baekyun was kind of sure about that because Jungkook is addicted to his work and hyungs especially Namjoon.

He knew what he had to do to stop that from coming, he needed to guard the gates. If he could get a second before dying in some blast, he wanted to stop Jungkook from entering. He could use the option of calling Jungkook but that would only make Jungkook's entry a little more early. They both would end up killing each other with the silliest excuse they could come up with, LOVE.

"You both can go upstairs, I will guard the gate with the guards." Taehyung chose his position.

"No? You are not staying here when you are in such a bad condition. You can take care of the upper floors with Yoongi and the securities." Jin corrected the younger.

"No way I am leaving you right here! I am staying here and you have to go up with Yoongi hyung." Taehyung debated as he wanted to make sure if Jungkook would come along.

He knew Jungkook would already be driving to the apartment in search of him. Taehyung had prepared a certain something for the boy. He also made sure to change the gps location so he wouldn't track the boy's location but that wouldn't even matter if it is in a mission. The entire location would already be shared to all the groups, increasing the chances of risk.

"Tae, what do you mean by this stubborness? You can't guard the gate all on your own."

"I can manage and I will so go up and finish up the work. Be fast or else you won't even be able to get by ashes." Taehyung gestured them to leave quick with a small grin before limping to the gate.

"Is that boy really crazy? He can't even seem to stand on his feet properly." Jin huffed annoyingly but he ended up following Yoongi.

Taehyung knew what he did was absolutely absurd because guarding the gate is the most dangerous work. Most of their enemies would be using the gate to walk past in and for that, they would use guns or even bombs. He had faced similar situations a lot and every time he finished the mission, his hospital bed would welcome him.

He smiled at the guards forcefully before taking his place in the front line. He had already changed his outftit to a black turtle neck tee shirt with a bullet proof vest on top of it. A black baggy jeans with multiple pockets to keep in the essentials. He had his favourite gun fully loaded with golden bullets and a small ninja blade which is easy for him to use. Taehyung was determined to stay alive atleast to make sure Jungkook wouldn't barge into the mission.

The time was about to hit nine, which means they are close to the start of mission. He really didn't know who started this system of mass killing once in a while as if it were a test to see who is the most capable one. The fittest survive rule was always taken care of and that night would mark the end of some people who chose wrong way of life.

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