WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday .Sunday!.

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*Faye's P.O.V* 

This week has gone too fast . Just too fast for me to breath . It's been amazing though , we have been everywhere . Justin and Ryan had a guys night and Chaz showed up . How amazing is that . We got on really well and soon enough we were all best buddies . Chaz is so nice and wacky but he's a fly one . Damn all this Canadian talk is changing me . Then we all had a day out together on Wednesday . Me , Justin , mum , dad , Nate , Pattie , Ryan and Chaz . We went out for the day , just cruising round . Then we had a meal all out together .  It was so lovely we're all practically one big happy family but yesterday Pattie left and we all cried . Justin the most . It's been the most incredible journey and it's only the beginning . Starting with the interview , that's where it's all going to get real and kick off. 

It's 3 in the morning and everyone is going to get ready and i feel like i'm going to throw up . "Babe , are you ok ? You look ... sick?" i hear Justin's voice trail into the living room and press his hand against my forehead . 

"Yeah i'm fine" i smirk  , lying ,  and pull his hand down . 

"Your nervous , aren't you? he sighs . 

"Very" i smirk and sit down on the sofa . 

"I'm gunna be right there next to you , like this" he smiles , sitting next to me and wrapping his hands around mine . 

"What if they hate me?" i look up into his eyes . 

"They won't , hate you" he smiles and sniffs . Drifting a strand of hair away from my face . "We're all gunna be here for you" . "Do you want me to help you get ready?" he raises my chin up  . 

"Yes please" i nod and smile . 

He stands up and i take his hand as we both run up the stairs and into my bedroom . He sits me down on the edge of the bed and skips over to my wardrobe . Scanning all the pieces of clothes , sliding them across the rack . "This , with this" he runs over to me holding some cut off shorts and a  grey and pink baseball shirt . 

"Not very fancy" i snide and giggle . 

"You don't have to look fancy" he laughs "You just have to be Faye" he smiles . He lays the clothes down on my bed next to me and then brings over my light pink Vans . 

"What are you wearing then?" i grin . 

"The same really . A baseball shirt with -"

"Saggy pants and Supras" i laugh . 

"Correcto" he grins . "Now hurry up and get dressed" and he rushes out of my room and i hear his footsteps flood into his room followed by the shut of his door . 

This is where my life completely changes . I'm not going to be Faye the weird girl who's obsessed with Justin Bieber . I'm going to be 'Oh my god you know Faye Mayson , she actually goes out with the Justin Bieber' . I feel extremely proud of that . I don't have to go back to school to face the bullies or sluts that took the piss out of me . I get to tour around the world and snuggle up in bed with Justin . My dream has come true and i still can't seem to get my head round it . I actually have pinch marks on my arms trying to wake myself up from this surprisingly real dream . I couldn't ask for a better life . I'm the happiest girl in the world , i really am and there's no one who can change that . I'm in love and i know i'm staying in love with Justin for the rest of my days . 


I run downstairs with my Vans creating bangs each time i trod on a new step . All of the others hear my footsteps and shoot up from the sofas . 

"Jesus , i thought you'd never come out of there" Nate sighs and opens the front door . Followed by mum , then dad . Then Chaz . 

"You alright there Lil red?" he stops in his place causing Ryan to bump into his back . Yes , Chaz calls me Lil red as well , Ryan taught him it if you can say and now everyone in the house calls me it. Apart from Justin . 

"Yeah" i nod making my pony tail swing . 

"You don't look it" he smiles and hugs me . "Everything will be alright" he whispers . 

"Thanks" i smirk and he lets go of the hug and runs through the front door . 

Ryan gives me a quick nod and smile . I know we're in a rush so it doesn't matter . Then Justin is last and he gives me a weak smile . "Don't look like that . You make me feel guilty . I feel like i'm making you do this" he sighs and walks out the front door . 

I trip off of the last step of the stairs and rush after him . "Justin!" i scream and he turns around , his his hands dug deep in his pockets . His eyes tearing up . I run straight up to him and hug him tight . I hate seeing him cry , it's one of my worst fears . I can't stand it , i promised myself i would make him the happiest guy on earth if i ever got with him and every time he cries , i feel like iv failed . 

"Please don't cry . I'm fine honestly" i hold him tight , curling up my fingers in his hair . "Look at me , hey , hey look at me" i cry . Now holding his head , with his arms wrapped around my waist , trying to find his eyes .  He flickers his eyes on to mine , full of tears sparkling away at me . "I love you ! I don't care if they hate me . It won't stop me from being with you if that's what you scared of ? I love you Justin Drew Bieber" . 

He gives me a huge smile and pulls my body into his , crashing his lips into mine . I finally take part in the kiss,shocked at being pulled in that quick . Our lips finally sync in rhythm with each others . He grabs my waist tight , digging in his fingers . I feel a wet drop on my cheek from his eyes . I stop the kiss and look up at him . He slowly wipes his tear off my cheek and says so slowly and meaningful "I love you Faye" and he gives me a smile , so bright and beautiful . 

"I love you too" i smile back at him and stroke his cheek , lost in his eyes . 

"Hurry up!" i hear my dad call from the car, honking the horn . 

"Ok!" i scream back and laugh at myself for how squeaky and loud it came out . Justin chuckles too and he turns to stand beside me and we grasp our hands together and walk to the car . We hop in , right at the back of the car , with just a double seat , in front of the boot . This one i havn't been in yet . It's really big , huge actually . We all fitted in . Justin put his arm around me and i nuzzled in his chest . 

"Scooter and the gang are going to meet us there" we hear dad call from the drivers seat that looked miles away . 

"Ok , cool" Justin calls back to him and rests himself back down and cuddles up to me . 


A/N -  Hope you enjoyed it . Got the interview next sadly this story is coming to a close soon cause i got some really good ideas in mind for a new story , maybe you guys could help with a cover , only if you want to :) . Anyway hope you liked this chapter , really means alot to me . Comment please , let me know what you thing :) xx 

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