Part 3 Day 2

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I wake up in my silk bed , with the sunlight dashing like wild horse's through the great window that led out to a balcony . Justin was so kind to offer me this room , he's so sweet like that . Then i suddenly remembered last night .

Shit , we kissed . We did didn't we ?

I really wonder why he likes me , i mean iv only known him for two days . Well tell a lie , i have known him for four years before he even knew i excised . Which kind of makes me sad now to think about that .

But really , why does he like me so much what did i do to make him kiss me yesterday ?

I have always wanted to lay a kiss on his perfect lips the day i saw them on my laptop screen , the first time i watched 'One Time' .

But why me ?

I heard a knock at the door burst my thoughts away . "Hello?" i shouted , my room is that big , i actually have to shout .

"Its me , Justin" He shouted back .

I remember my door was locked from last night when i slid down it as soon as i shut it in all my dreamy thoughts about what actually just happened . " 1 minute" i replied as i was half naked and had to get dressed obviously before i opened up the door to Justin . "Now coming" i shout again just to let him know .

I slowly opened the door to see his gorgeous beaming face smiling at me . I really wanted to talk to him .  Ask if and why he likes me so much .

"Hi beautiful" He says in his sexy voice , leaning in for a kiss .

"No time for kissing" i  say pulling him inside my room by his shirt .

I pulled him into my room and locked the door behind me , to turn around and look at this wonderful creation of human life who was standing right in front of me .

"Well?" he says in a calm way and shrugs  

"Do you really like me ?" i say walking closer to him and looking into his eyes .

"Yes , Faye , actually i do" he smiles , looking back into mine .

I pause for while .

Oh my Jesus Justin Drew Bieber actually like likes me .

I smile like an idiot looking down at the floor . Justin reaches out for my chin with his right hand and lifts my head up to look back at him .

"But , why?" i say just trying to see the answer in his eyes .

"Well" he smirks looking down to the floor letting go of my chin .

"Well , what?" i smirk back .

"I fell for you eyes as soon as they met mine in the parking lot" he smirks again , still looking at the floor . His cheeks flushing a mild pink .

Ha . Parking Lot . He's so Canadian . Well i guess me having an English accent i guess i still sort of understand what he's talking about sometimes .

"Really?" i question seeking yet another answer , that answer was obviously yes i was seeking for in his adorable big brown eyes .

"Yes" he chuckled giving me the answer i was hoping for as he looks up  , turning a faint red this time . Actually taking his eyes off of the ground .

Well actually my bedroom floor so shiny . Its a creamy colour and a tad slippery but that's alright because when i get ready , i can always turn up my big boom system in my room and slide around in my socks .

Justin put his hands out and reached for my hand and took me other to the table where my boom system was and grabbed the remote with his other and turned it on . I was listening to my world , his first album before we ate tea the other day . 'Overboad' began to play .

The Belieber He Fell For ( Justin Bieber Love Story ) .Completed.Where stories live. Discover now