2nd Times A Charm

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Contains Mature Content . 

*Faye's P.O.V*    

Today has been perfect , no boy has ever treated me this way . Justin treats me like his princesses and he is my prince charming . 

"I'm done" i smirk and splat the bag by the front door with a moan . 

"No we're not" Justin laughs , picks me up and puts me over his shoulder . 

"Justin!" i scream as he dashes up the stairs with me , flopping around all over the place . 

He slides into his bedroom , locks the door and lays me down on his bed lightly . "Shh" he grins and places his index finger over my lips . I let out a little giggle and stroke his face . He slowly leans in forward and we crash our lips together  . We make out passionately when he starts to slide his shirt off . I help him , hurrying him faster . I pull off my/his v neck and throw it to the other side of the room . 

"Eager are we?" he mumbles into my lips . 

I smirk and pull his head in closer to mine , running my fingers through his hair . I start to fiddle with his belt and eventually get it undone . He takes his pants off , just leaving him in his boxers . I take my shorts off and my t shirt just leaving me in my bra and undies . 

"2nd times a charm" he smirks . 

"Let's find out" i giggle as i fling myself around , swapping positions with him . Now me on top of him . I slide down his body , kissing his beautiful built abs and down his V line . He lets out a vigorous moan . I laugh to myself and bite his boxers with my teeth and pull them down slowly . Teasing him like a menace . I stop with them half way down his ankles and cross my hands up my back , starting to un do my bra . I take it off and throw it behind me . I see Justin lick his lips . 


*Justin's P.O.V* 

It's getting so hot in here , im starting to sweat . Real bad . She's amazing at this , i can't stop or take my hands off of her . She's beautiful her body is just perfection . 

"Am i hurting you?" i pant . 

"No , it doesn't hurt . It's .... nice . It's beautiful ." she laughs . I smirk and rest my head on her bare chest . "Don't stop . Please Justin? " she sighs and plays with my hair . 

She likes the Jerry ;) 

"Ok" i grin and wiggle my eyebrows at her . I sit back up and do my stuff and she's digging it . 


A/N - Wazzup !! Hope you liked this very romantic chapter ;) xx 

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