The Christmas Party

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(A/N: Apologies for not updating for a while. I'm just, you know, a little bit hopeless.)

I didn't like parties. I didn't like Professor Slughorn. Why, then, did I agree to go to this? Oh that's right, Daphne.

I decided to not buy a new dress, what a waste, and instead used an old one I used one Christmas with my family. I was tempted to wear the black dress Rigel had sent me, but I decided to save that for Christmas. Even though I'd be spending it with the Malfoy's.

The dress made me a little nostalgic. The brown and black embroidery was beautiful, and it was one of the few outfits that did not clash with my hair, but it reminded me of happier times, and considering my future, it didn't seem hopeful to me.

At the last minute, I grabbed a purse and stuffed my invisibility cloak in it, because I wasn't sure who to be expecting to see tonight, nor if Draco would need me for anything.

At eight, I met up with Zayn not too far from his tower. I embraced him tightly, taking in his scent. He always smelled like coffee and wood and ink, even though it had to have been a while since he'd last been on a broom and it had to have been morning when he last had coffee.

"Hey," I greeted. He gave me one of his good natured smiles. "Hey. You look good," he complimented. "You do too." It was the truth. He looked good in anything.

"So, where's the party?" he asked, taking my had and swinging it as we walked. "Slughorn's office," I answered. Zayn steered me towards sounds of music and laughter coming from down the passage.

"Was it just a rumor that the captain of the Holyhead Harpies would be there tonight?" he asked. "Gwenog Jones?" I gasped. "I hope it's true. I'd love to meet her," I said. "Yeah me too. Although I wouldn't -whoa." Zayn cut off whatever he was saying next to me as we entered the office. Whoa indeed.
The office was much larger than any other I'd seen, and was decorated extravagantly. The partygoers were all bathed in red tinted light, and gold curtains hung from floor to ceiling. It was all very rich, and to me, stuffy.

I was about to ask Zayn if we could move out of the way of a group of elderly wizards, who seemed to gathering a crowd of men and a lot of smoke, when the Slug himself spotted us. "Ah, Miss Green." Oh no. "And your friend!" He beamed at Zayn. "Zayn Osman, sir. Ravenclaw," Zayn answered, extending a hand. He was too polite for his own good. "Of course! I have you for potions, don't I? How lovely. Please, do enjoy yourselves. There's plenty of food, plenty! And guests! So many interesting people. I think you especially, my dear," (he waggled his finger at me) "will be especially interested to meet a few of my special friends; ambitious girl like you!" I sighed inwardly.

I was grateful when McLaggen appeared out of seemingly nowhere, stealing Slughorn's attention. "Oh thank goodness," I breathed. "Zayn can we- Zayn?" Zayn seemed to have disappeared. I growled and stalked the room, looking for him. No way was he leaving me here alone.

I spotted Hermione, looking unfortunately pretty in a red dress, talking quickly to a silver robed Luna Lovegood, who seemed to be Harry Potter's date. I sighed inwardly as Hermione sprinted from the two, just as McLaggen appeared. Clearly, she did not think much of him. They were joined by Professor Slughorn, then Professor Snape.

I found it disturbing that everyone seemed to be having such a good time, unaware of the doom about to be inflicted on them. 'Get a grip, Emma,' I scolded myself. I wouldn't get anywhere feeling this way. 'You're not going to feel sorry for anyone, not yourself.' You're not the only sufferer... It seemed that no sooner had I thought of him, Malfoy materialized, being dragged by a happy looking Argus Filch.

I ducked behind a group of laughing witches and watched warily as Snape scanned the room, then scrutinized Malfoy. Oh no. I doubted this would be good. I slowly approached the group, watching angrily as Snape marched Draco out of the room. What was I to do? Follow them?

I hesitated for a second, then ran out of the room, one hand on my purse. What would they do? I wasn't sure why Draco didn't want Snape to know about the plan. Although I knew how afraid Draco was of letting anyone else besides himself do anything, Snape could help. Our failed attempts were proof enough that we were unable to do anything.

My heart pounded along with my footsteps in the empty corridor. I stopped and rocked on my feet for a second as I heard voices from behind one of the doors. I reached the door in time to see it swing open, and Draco march out. He barely gave me a glance. Instead he all but pushed me out of the way as he disappeared.

Snape emerged, looking cold. He didn't look surprised to see me. "Have a word with him," he said. "As insufferable as he may be, you do have a strange influence on him." And he went back to the party.

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