When I say Unfair

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Malfoy and I spent more and more time together and I started to enjoy his company. I drew quite a bit from his lifestyle and conversations with me. Like, he did dislike Potter, but he was mainly jealous, and he liked him too, in a way, he would have liked to be friends with him. That he begrudgingly admired Hermione Granger’s intelligence and, if I was not mistaken, I would have almost thought that he had called her pretty. That he too liked Ginny Weasley, and he admired the Weasley twins for all it was worth. That he looked up to Albus Dumbledore more than you would have imagined. That he was ashamed, so ashamed of his heritage, of his family being servants of the Dark Lord. 

And he had nightmares too. I’d watch him toss and turn on the Slytherin common-room couch after he’d dozed off when we’d been talking. I couldn’t even sleep lately. To me, it was too painful. I just stayed awake, reading and searching, Reminding myself that Zayn wouldn’t want me to give up, clutching at the necklace he’d given me until my palms were red and the imprints of it’s silver frame were etched into my palms. I wished I could tell him everything. I wished we could be like before, and be best friends and walk around as if we had no cares in the world. Sitting up in a tree, years before, spying on my brother and his sister and secretly wishing that the two of them would hurry and get married so that Zayn and I would be real siblings.

I few days later I received a letter from my parents:
Dear Eve:

We’re sorry to tell you this, but Rigel and I have to travel to the East this Christmas. Your father was finally be able to come with us and the ministry was able to give him a semi-transfer there. Unfortunately, we will be very occupied with work and that means that you’ll have to stay at Hogwarts for the Christmas holidays. We wish we could have seen you and undoubtedly will soon. 

Sending our love.

Mum, dad and Rigel. 

The letter was written in an elegant script in a dark green ink. I wished my mother wouldn’t speak so formally to me.I was her daughter, after all. 

In a dark blue ink, the kind Rigel always used, was a message at the bottom. Almost as if someone had nearly sent it, then stopped to quickly write and afterthought. 

Mum says to still wear the dress. I’ll be bringing presents for you, I swear! Mum wasn’t sure if she should take Libby with us or not, so if she arrives at Hogwarts tomorrow, you can send her to work in the kitchens. I miss you an awful lot, honest, but I’ll see you soon, sis. 

I drew in a breath. I was really looking forward to seeing them. Well, there disappears the only thing I was looking forward to. My feelings crumpled and I felt like hitting something. Then, to top it all, Snape came to give me news that only ruined my mood further. 

“I’m afraid I have some bad news,” Professor Snape was saying. I snorted. “It can’t get any worse than this this, can it?”  asked. He raised an eyebrow. “Well?” I pressed him. “You have been requested to spend your Christmas at the Malfoy Mansion,” he said. “What?” I spun around to face him. “I said, you have been req-” “I know what you said, I want to know why,” I may have snarled a little. It may have been rude of me but he was the reason I was in this mess in the first place. If h hadn’t spoken to the ‘Dark Lord’, I would have been carefree right now. “It’s the Dark Lord’s orders.” When I didn’t answer he went on. “Incidentally, it is also the meeting place for our next meeting.” “So, what happens o my plans for christmas?” I folded my arms across my chest. “You’ll simply have to cancel them. If anyone asks, you will be spending christmas with your parents. If they ask, you’ll be at Hogwarts. Your gifts will be sent to your house and can be collected after christmas.” My eyes stung. I wanted to throw a tantrum and scream and cry and wail like a baby. II glared at him. “Fine!” I shouted angrily. Then I stormed off.

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