Chapter 32 - Another season

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The next season started soon after Sid had returned from a successful training camp, and of course, Brooke was there for the first game. Her mother had offered to look after Ashley and Jordan, so Brooke had gotten dressed in her jersey and ripped blue jeans with some black ankle booties, and then Sid and her had left for the CEC. Her father was driving with them, as he had brought Nathalie over to their house, and they talked about the wedding plans. Brooke would be planning everything with Trina, Nathalie and Taylor during the season, but it was clear to everyone that the wedding would take place after the Stanley Cup finals, just in case the Penguins would make it there once again. Brooke had found out that her father had known about Sid's proposal, because Sid had asked him for her hand in marriage, which was really cute. Most of the guys had found out as well during the training camp, so when Brooke stepped into the locker room that evening, everyone turned towards her and pointedly looked at her hand. "Goddamnit, here!" Brooke finally stated, holding up her hand with the ring, so everyone could see it. The guys just laughed while Sid grinned proudly and pressed a kiss to Brooke's cheek before walking over to his place and starting to change. "You're idiots. But I missed you guys," Brooke stated, and she spent the time until the warm ups to walk around and catch up with all of the guys, even though she'd seen a few of them a few days earlier.

When the game was close to the start, Brooke once again went up to the owner's lounge and leaned against the railing there, and a few of the other wives came towards her and they started talking to each other until the lights went out and the intro started. Brooke just stared at the ice and cheered when the players skated onto it after their name was called out. Sid as the captain was the last, and Brooke cheered extra loudly. He had told her he was looking forward to the first game - against the New York Rangers - and Brooke knew that it would be a very interesting game, and after spending so much time at home with her two babies, it was great being in the CEC once again. Brooke stood at the railing for most of the first period, her eyes never leaving the ice, and both teams played really well, so no goals were made during the first period. Sid waved at her when the Penguins were leaving the ice, and Brooke waved back with a soft smile before turning towards Veronique, who had taken her hand. "I almost forgot about that! Sid proposed to you, didn't he?" she asked, smiling widely, and Brooke nodded with a smile. "Yeah," she then said softly. "Speaking of the devil," Catherine said from next to them, pointing at the big screen, and Brooke smiled when she saw Sid being interviewed by Dan Potash. They talked about the first period and what they could do better in the second, and Brooke just watched with a smile. "Also, congratulations on becoming a father. They are about four months now, right?" he asked and when Sid nodded with a smile, he added: "Are we allowed to know their names now?" "Ashley and Jordan Crosby. Ashley's the older brother and Jordan is my little princess," Sid stated proudly and Dan nodded with another grin. "The fans might also be interested in something we noticed just minutes ago when your lovely girlfriend was waving at you. Or should I say fiancée?" Dan said and Brooke was shown, the ring on her finger easily seen. "Yes, fiancée is about right. I'm a very happy man at the moment," Sid said with an easy smile and Dan congratulated him before letting him leave.

Brooke just shook her head with an amused smile and then told her father she'd be right back before making her way down to the locker room. The guys were sitting around when she stepped in, and she smiled at them and walked over to Sid, sitting down next to him while he smiled at her. "Nice interview earlier," she teased him, and Sid just shrugged with a smile and lifted her hand, pressing a soft kiss onto the back of it. "You're not the first one to give me shit about it, but to be honest, I don't even mind. Everyone should know how happy I am with you," he said and Brooke just giggled while Kris next to them made retching sounds. She then leaned towards her fiancé and pressed a soft kiss onto his lips. "It felt good hearing you call me your fiancée. I think I want to hear that more often," she stated and Sid just grinned at her and carefully stroked her cheek before looking at the other guys. "I think we need to go back out soon. I'll see you after the game?" he then asked and Brooke nodded and got up. "Go and have fun out there guys!" she said loudly before leaving the locker room, looking back at Sid one last time at the door.

Her father was already waiting for her in the lounge, and he placed an arm around her shoulder when she reached him. "I can't believe you already have two children and you're getting married at the end of the season. I still remember holding you in my arms the first time, at the hospital. You were looking up at me with your gorgeous blue eyes, and I knew immediately you were going to be my little girl. And now you're all grown up," he said softly, and Brooke just smiled and wrapped her arms around him. "Don't be sad, dad. You're a grandpa now, and I know you're going to be the best grandfather my children could wish for. And the season has just started, so my wedding won't be until May," she said and her father just sighed and hugged her to his chest. Brooke heard the game start, but she just stayed there with her father and placed her head on his chest. "Have I ever told you that you are the best dad ever?" she then asked and Mario just laughed. "No you haven't. And it wouldn't be the truth. I spent way too much time travelling and playing hockey when you were younger, and then I sent you to England for more than ten years. I was a miserable father, Brooke," he said and Brooke shook her head and leaned back to look at him. "No you weren't. Yeah, you were away often, but it was your job, and you made sure I was happy, no matter where you were. And I loved going to London, even though it was far away from home and I did miss Mom and you quite a lot. But it was a great chance for me. You did everything right, dad, and don't ever think anything else," she said, and Mario just smiled at her and placed his hand on her cheek. "You are the best daughter I could have wished for. And you know that I only want the very best for you. You've been nothing but happy ever since you met Sid, and I'm really thankful that he's such a good boyfri-fiancé to you. He'll be a good father and husband. Better than I was," he said and Brooke just smiled and leaned up, pressing a kiss to her father's cheek. "I love you dad" "I love you too, Brooke. But now let's go back and watch the game. Sid will be looking out for you," he stated and Brooke just grinned and nodded, following her father to the railing and looking at the play on the ice. She spotted Sid almost immediately, and just like every time she saw him do what he loved, she just couldn't help but smile.

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