Chapter 33 - Mr. & Mrs. Crosby

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Finally, the day of the wedding had arrived. Sid and Brooke had decided to get married in Pittsburgh, because their friends were there, and it was the closest place, and they also didn't want Jordan and Ashley to travel around too much. Nathalie and Trina were looking after them for the wedding ceremony, and Taylor - who was Brooke's maid of honour - checked up on them from time to time. Veronique and Catherine were Brooke's bridesmaids, and Geno was Sid's best man, next to Kris and Flower.

Right now, Brooke was getting the last things ready, putting on her shoes and taking another deep breath. She knew that Sid was waiting for her in front of the altar, but she had suddenly been hit by nerves. "Brooke, it's time to go," her father called through the door, opening it and sticking his head inside, and he only took one look at Brooke's expression before walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her. "Everything all right, love?" he asked softly, stroking her cheek, and Brooke wrapped her arms around him and closed her eyes shortly. "Just nervous, that's all," she mumbled quietly, and Mario just laughed and shook his head. "You don't have to be nervous, my dear. You have the man you love waiting for you, and all your families and friends are here to see your big day. Or are you having doubts?" he said and Brooke shook her head with a soft laugh. "Never, dad. I love Sid more than anything," she stated, and Mario nodded at his daughter with a proud smile and carefully pushed a strand of hair back behind her ear. "Let's go then. Don't want to keep him waiting, do we?" he stated and Brooke nodded, letting her father lead her towards the tent were the guests and most importantly Sid were waiting. The music started up when they were standing there, and then Mario led her around the corner, and Brooke saw all their friends there, but only until she spotted Sid. He was standing at the front, and he looked very handsome in his tux, but Brooke just couldn't keep her eyes from his face. He smiled at her, as if she was his whole world, and nothing else mattered. Mario led her towards Sid and then leaned over, placing a soft kiss on her temple before placing her hand in Sid's and stepping aside. The ceremony started, and Brooke tried to pay attention, but she couldn't look away from Sid, and it seemed like it was the same for him. Eventually, the part came where they had to say 'I do', and eventually, finally, they were allowed to kiss. Sid leaned towards Brooke and pressed a soft kiss onto her lips, leaning his forehead against hers afterwards and simply smiling at her, and Brooke returned the smile happily, before they both faced their guests. Of course, the team was hollering, and Brooke couldn't help but laugh and shake her head. Sid had placed his arm around her waist, but he stepped aside when everyone came forward to congratulate them, and Brooke hugged everyone, laughing when Geno just picked her up and whirled her around before setting her down again afterwards. Tanger pressed a kiss to her cheek and hugged her close for a few seconds, until Sid started to growl lowly, and Brooke just smiled at the first friend she had made on the team. "I'm going to kick your ass later, just wait for it, Tanger," she told him and he just laughed and stepped aside. Trina and Troy stepped up to them next and hugged their son, and then they turned towards Brooke and smiled at her. "Welcome to the family, dear," Trina said and Brooke hugged her once again and just smiled.

The ceremony moved to the reception afterwards, and Sid led Brooke there, an arm comfortably placed around her waist. Brooke leaned onto him and just smiled happily, and when Sid pulled out a chair for her, she sat down and leaned back a bit. The speeches came first, and Brooke couldn't help but smile at everything Sid's teammates said about them, although she did throw a balled up napkin at Flower when he made some crude jokes. After the speeches, the buffet was opened, and Brooke leaned back and talked to Taylor, opting to wait a bit before getting some food for herself. "I'll get you something to eat, Mrs. Crosby, all right?" Sid whispered into her ear and Brooke nodded, smiling at him thankfully before watching him walk to the buffet with a loving smile. Her mother, who was sitting on the next table with Sid's parents and their kids, just laughed at her softly. "It's good to see you that happy, love," she then stated and Brooke smiled at her and reached over, placing a hand on her mother's shoulder shortly.

Sid returned with the food soon after and he placed the plate down on the table before sitting down himself and placing an arm around her shoulders. Brooke leaned into his side but didn't stop her conversation, and Sid just looked around a bit and talked to his teammates, who were sitting close to him. They all ate, while a band played some soft music in the background, and eventually the first few people were done with their food and the singer of the band stepped forward. "Ladies and Gentleman, we would now like to ask the newlywed couple to step onto the dance floor for their first dance," he spoke and Sid groaned lowly, making Brooke laugh. "It's just one dance, Sid. Come on," she said softly, pulling him with her and Sid sighed and followed her onto the dance floor. He wasn't the best dancer, and he always worried about accidentally stepping on Brooke's feet and hurting her, but Brooke was smiling at him happily, and he couldn't help but smile back. The dance wasn't bad at all, and he just enjoyed to have his wife in his arms, their families and friends around them. Eventually, Mario came and took Sid's place, so Sid went aside and took a seat at the table again, and just leaned back. "You look happy, Sid," Flower stated, leaning over and Sid turned to look at his old friend and nodded with a smile. "I am. This is a great day, and I have a beautiful wife. How could I not be happy?" he stated and Flower nodded. "We always worried you'd end up all alone, and eventually you wouldn't have hockey anymore and be all by yourself. Brooke brings out the best in you. I'm glad you've got her, Sid. The whole team is," Flower stated seriously and Sid looked at the goaltender and smiled softly. "Thanks Flower. It means a lot to me, and I know Brooke loves you guys," he stated and Flower laughed and nodded before turning back to his wife.

Brooke returned to the table soon after, and not too long after, Jordan and Ashley were squealing at her, and Sid just placed an arm around his wife and smiled at their kids softly. He couldn't help but think about what Flower had told him. Hockey had always been the most important thing in his life, and winning the Stanley Cup had been his biggest dream, and he hadn't even thought about ending up alone, but that all had changed when Brooke had come into his life. She brought his mind away from hockey, she filled out all the empty spaces in his life and still supported him and took care of him lovingly. He knew that if he would one day retire - may it be because of an injury or simply his age, he would always have Brooke by his side, and their family. Winning the Stanley Cup had been a dream, and he wanted to win the trophy a few more times in his career, but it wasn't more important than his family. Brooke was his better half, and he would never put anything above her or their children, and even though his life had changed that much, he was happy.

"Are you all right? You've got your thinking face on," Brooke whispered, turning around to face him, the worry obvious on her face, and Sid just smiled at her and nodded, pulling her closer and pressing a soft kiss onto her lips. "As long as I've got you, I am," he then stated, and the smile Brooke gave him made his heart flutter and he returned it with a smile almost as big as hers. 


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