What if...? (F!MC)

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"Holy crap, I can't believe that worked. I thought we were all gonna be smears on the wall by now.", Ivy got surprised as she and Luc tried to break the Reimonenq curse from Vera's hands. The curse wasn't lifted completly but at least a little as Luc tried to touch Vera's bare hands. He felt a little pain but he's still alive. The cursed hands didn't killed him.

"Perhaps the curse is still here, but it's a good start. Soon we'll find a way to finally break the curse, ma chérie.", Luc tried to cheer Vera and both smiled.

"And I will help!", a voice called out. It's Alex!! She just entered Ivy's library where Luc, Ivy and Vera were already gathered. "I learned some new fae magic spells and when I will be able to do magic on my own, then I will help to break the Reimonenq curse. For you, Vera. You deserve all the happiness."

Vera's eyes sparkled with joy after hearing these promising words from Alex. She immediatly dashed towards her friend and gave her a gentle hug to thank her.

After they broke apart, Alex's face turned serious and she moved closer to the other two. "About magic. Luc, Ivy, I have a question. It's just... I don't know... Lately I've been having these kind of visions where I experience the memories of someone else by touching a crystalline droplet which appears out of nowhere. ", she tried to describe.

"Crystalline droplet, you said?", Ivy thought loud and began searching for some books in the library. "Let's see, maybe somwhere here... Creaturelogy, Spells, History of Supernatural, nah not all thes... Luc, could it be...?"

"No need to search, Ivy and Luc. I think I know something about this.", Garrus answered as he entered. Everyone surprised about his sudden apperance. Garrus might know more. Since he mentioned once that he had visited the Fate, he became more mysterious and interesting for Alex. But the tension faded away quickly, as Garrus began to smile warmly and gently wrapped his arm around Alex for comfort.
"Our dear Alex is very special among humans and faes because she belongs to both kinds. She's more than just a regular fae which gives her the abbilities what other fae might not have. Plus, she's royalty. Royals and nobles are able to master even higher magic."

"Garrus, father told me the same. After the battle against Thomas, I have gained much more strenght, super-speed and other abbilities like magical fae powers, brilliant eye-sight at night and all that but... but... these visions are so strange. Where do these crystalline droplets even come from and why?"

"And what kind of visions did you saw?"

"Ooof, there were many. Trust me, I feel dizziness after even touching them. First Kristof, then Tonya Reimonenq, even The Fate, then Cassiopeia, Elric, Thomas and Nik."

Suddenly Ivy panicked by that news and let some books accidently fall on the floor. She looked shocked and surprised, and so did Luc. "Did say Nik?"

"Yes, Nik. Our Nik. Why?", Alex replied.

"There is something I have to show. Uhhh, yes... I... I have it, guys. Yes, here. Look!", Ivy claimed and found something written on a page of an old tome that might have an answer. She began to read and explain. "According to this book, crystalline droplets are called Monster tears and appear randomly. The one who can see and touch them is some sort of Chosen one by Fate and that beeing can relive the memory of any supernatural beeing or beeing which is connected to the supernatural world... by birth."

"By birth? No, it's impossible!! There must be a third reason, Ivy! I have been living in New Orleans for centuries and I knew Nik Ryder for years, since he was a child. I knew Elijah too, he's a good man.", Garrus answered.

"What if... Wait, you don't mean that..., but he is human, right? Wait, what is everyone talking about??!", Alex asked confused.

"It's nothing."

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