Chapter 3: Miwa's thoughts

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I no own cardfight vanguard~
##### And le updates will be often (no go more than 1 day without) but not guaranteed to be daily BUT updated at le usual time you guys are used to no update Tomorrow for sure cause its a crazy day for me #####


The brunette sighed softly as he walked down the stone steps that led towards the Sendou residence's doorway. He was a little disappointed that the time he and Aichi had together seemed to slip by much too quick for his taste.

He had also grown aware of how much he himself had changed, knowing that he had quickly grown used to the younger's presence so that he felt strange whenever he was alone.

Kai stopped walking when he reached the shadowed curb of the street, jades carefully gazed around to make sure no illuminated headlights were coming his way before he proceeded to cross the street. He had already learned his lesson about streets the hard way.

He a listened to the sounds of cars whipping by as he walked to his apartment. Thinking about what he and the blue haired boy would do next or where they would go.

After a while of walking the brunette was relieved to see the sight of his house coming into view and quickly made his way inside, kicking off his shoes before entering his bedroom.

He flopped down onto his soft bed and quickly fell asleep so that the next day would come sooner rather than later.

As per usual whenever the brunette forgot to set his alarm, the sunlight filtering through the shades of his window woke him up. Yawning slightly, he got up, not bothering to look at the clock because he knew he was already late for school.

After getting ready, of course by taking his sweet time in preparing omelettes for himself and taking a shower. The brunette headed for school to attend the last half of the school day.

When he arrived at his class he noticed that his blond friend was looking at him with a cross between a cheeky and creepy grin.

"So how was you and Aichi's date?"

The blond whispered as the brunette took his seat beside him.


Kai replied, not wanting to feed his friend's imagination with more than what's necessary.

"So why'd ya get here so late? Half the day's almost over"

"I slept in"

The blond's grin's creepiness magnified greatly at the brunette's words.

"Oh, so you and Aichi had a little fun"



The blond's shouting was cut off by a elderly substitute teacher slapping a ruler against the front deck.

"Miwa Taishi! Quiet or I'll send you out of class!"

The brunette was relieved that Miwa had been silenced by the teacher's threat, though he wondered what he had said to cause his childish friend's expression to change like that. He hadn't lied or even replied, he had actually really enjoyed his time with the blue haired boy the other night, which by any means could be classified as having fun.

Class went by with ease, the brunette was relieved when he heard the chimes of the school bells, notifying that school had at last ended for the day.

Grabbing his things, the brunette quickly left the school grounds, not being surprised by the familiar footsteps of the blond behind him.

"You've got to tell me what happened"

Faithful Love Book 2: Cardfight VanguardWhere stories live. Discover now