Chapter 40 • Support

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Includes strong language.

I drove us back to the hotel we were staying at. The two of us were silent the whole car ride. I kept thinking about George, I could tell she was doing the same.

Once we arrived, we walked hand in hand to the elevator and then to our room. She unlocked the door then we stepped inside. I shut the door behind us and leaned against it.

"I'm gonna shower..." she said quietly as she frowned, looking away from me.

I nodded slowly then she grabbed some pajamas out of the dresser. She walked to the bathroom and shut the door, locking it.

That's when I laid down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, repeating Dream's words in my head.

"Fucking waste." His voice echoed.

I released a shaky breath out as I covered my hands over my face. Oh, how I wish it was me in that hospital bed instead of George.

The thought of him dying because of me was too much to comprehend. He's always been like a brother to me. Now looking back, I wish I would've told him how much I loved him.

"What if he dies?" I thought as tears over flooded my eyes, "I can't see him die. No, I can't do that..."

My blurry vision trailed down to my scars on my wrists. That's when I made the decision.

I shakily stood up and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I sat down at the desk as I started to write the letter.

-Y/N's POV-
I let my hair out of the ponytail slowly while looking at myself in the mirror. I had major bags under my eyes. My barrier shortly broke as the tears overflowed my eyes immediately. I pouted as my lip quivered.

I quickly turned on the water fosset in the shower then I leaned my head down as I rested my elbows on the sink. Then I couldn't hold it back anymore.

I bursted out in a sob while gripping my hair. I thought back about how weak George looked in the hospital bed, how Dream said he only had one more week left if he didn't wake up, and how Dream said he hated us.

Then, I realized that I was the last person to hug George. That made me cry harder as I covered my mouth, trying to quiet down so Sapnap didn't hear me.

I heard her crying.

I shut my eyes as I sighed, feeling more guilt placed on my chest.

If I never went to Texas, none of this would've happened. Hell, if I never kissed Catherine, none of this would've happened. It was my own fault for making those enemies, I shouldn't have let Y/N convince me to come back to California.

I just missed her so fucking much. Y/N is the light in my darkness. She makes everything better. Except this time, she couldn't. Her hugs couldn't fix everything, her cuddles made me feel more guilty as I knew I didn't deserve them, I didn't deserve her.

I knew I should be in the bathroom, comforting her. But I also knew that wouldn't fix anything. George was still gonna die, Clay was still gonna hate me and I was still gonna hate myself.

Looking down at the scars on my wrists, I knew that tomorrow I would give Y/N the best day I could. Then that'd be it.

-Y/N's POV-
After I got my breathing under control, I actually showered to wash the day off of me. 30 minutes later, I was done. I stepped out of the shower onto the mat, wrapped a towel around myself then looked at myself in the mirror.

I still looked like shit but I didn't care. I knew Sapnap was struggling with this more than I was. He's known Dream most of his life and George he knew long before I did too. I knew I needed to be there for him. That's when an idea came to me.

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